Bitcoin launches in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala Research CBDC

Two Central American countries, Honduras and Guatemala, are asking their mutual neighbors for comments on the introduction of Bitcoin (BTC),…

3 years ago

Nigeria’s CBDC is preparing a pilot project on Independence Day

After 4 years of improvement, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is about to start out its digital forex project.…

3 years ago

Chinese Banks Increase Yuan Digital Resources Ahead of CBDC Adoption

Major Chinese banks are growing their capability for the digital yuan forward of the forthcoming launch of the nation's central…

3 years ago

Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and South Africa start joint CBDC pilot project

The central banks of Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and South Africa have introduced a joint (CBDC) initiative to check worldwide funds…

3 years ago

Central Bank of Thailand outlines safeguards for a future private customer CBDC

The Thai central financial institution has launched the outcomes of a new examine on easy methods to handle the influence…

3 years ago

Central Bank of Costa Rica: Cryptocurrencies are not illegal and do not need a CBDC

The director of the Costa Rican Central Bank has warned the general public in regards to the dangers related to…

3 years ago

The Ukrainian ministry is considering piloting a digital currency to pay employees

Mikhail Fedorov, Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister and head of the nation's Ministry of Digital Transformation, has revealed a attainable early…

3 years ago

Poland must decide to join the euro zone or issue its own CBDC

In order to keep Poland's free financial coverage, the nation's authorities have to make a selection: becoming a member of…

3 years ago

Bank of Ghana is piloting CBDC with the German securities printing company G + D

By partnering with a German cash expertise supplier, the Bank of Ghana (BoG) is taking one other step in the…

3 years ago

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