China wants US senators to “stop causing trouble” with the digital yuan

Even before the Olympic flame goes out at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, the heat is growing among US…

3 years ago

The Central Bank of Korea selects Cocoa Ground X to conduct CBDC studies

South Korean tech giant Kakao Corp.'s blockchain arm, Ground X, has selected conduct a test of the digital currency of…

3 years ago

Research shows Canada’s CBDC can fuel digital innovation in the country

A study published by Canada's central bank Banque du Canada found a number of good reasons why the country could…

3 years ago

Central Bank of Korea Selects Cocoa Blockchain Arm for Digital Win-Testing

The South Korean central bank has selected a blockchain subsidiary of the local internet giant Kakao as a technology provider…

3 years ago

Why do the 3 tech giants want to pilot Korea’s CBDC? 

South Korean tech giants have submitted three bids to be the first private company to test a prototype of the…

3 years ago

US lawmakers don’t want Olympic athletes to use the digital yuan

Three US senators have signed a letter calling on Olympic officials to ban US athletes from using the digital yuan…

3 years ago

Cross-border payments with CBDC can be improved when countries work together

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) carried out a comprehensive study…

3 years ago

Fed and Yale researchers propose two regulatory frameworks for stablecoins

The Federal Reserve's ongoing research into central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, has expanded to include stablecoins and their effective…

3 years ago

China’s central bank says crypto kicked off its CBDC

Much attention has been paid to the global geopolitical impact of China's rapid and groundbreaking development of the digital yuan…

3 years ago

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