
Solana Projects Collaborate To Launch Cross-chain Messaging Platform

The alliance of standout platforms built on Solana is working together to advance Web3 messaging by combining development on a…

2 years ago

Rainbow Bridge Continues To Be A Hacker’s Target

Rainbow Bridge has been the target of hacker attacks. Also over the weekend, this is the destination of hackers, but…

2 years ago

What Is Cross-Chain? Open New Horizons For Defi

What is cross-chain? Cross-chain (or cross-chain) is a solution that helps transfer crypto assets, tokens, or data from one blockchain…

2 years ago

Solana’s Wormhole Bridge Gets Hacked For $200 Million.

The famed Solana Wormhole bridge has just fallen prey to hackers at an 80K ETH attack (212.3 million). Solana’s Wormhole…

2 years ago

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