Charles Hoskinson Criticizes Ether Pos As Kraken Doesn’t Allow Unstake ETH Until Paris Update

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of IOG and the Cardano blockchain, took to Twitter to remark on a recent letter distributed…

2 years ago

Kraken Doesn’t Give ETH Unstaking Until The Shanghai Upgrade

Cryptocurrency exchange Kraken has an answer for users about being able to unstaking their ETH tokens after The Merge. With…

2 years ago

Mining Pools Start Allowing ETHW Mining

According to their websites, mining pools F2Pool, Poolin, and Antpool have started their ETHW (EthereumPoW) mining pools, while a few…

2 years ago

After 24h The Merge Seems To Have Too Many Reasons For ETH Dropping

After 24 hours, The Merge was successful, the 2nd largest cryptocurrency in the market, ETH dropped shockingly, its value dropped…

2 years ago

Budweiser Launches Beer Cans To Celebrate Success Of The Merge

Following the Merge, Budweiser has teased a limited run of beer cans with the company's Beer.eth Ethereum Name Service domain…

2 years ago

There Are 2 Addresses Controlling More Than 45% Of Ethereum Transactions After The Merge

The two addresses have processed more than 45% of Ethereum (ETH) transactions since the blockchain network completed its transition to…

2 years ago

FTX, Bybit Are The First Exchanges To Launch Spot ETHW Trading

FTX, Bybit officially announced that they launch ETHW trading with stablecoin USDT, and plan to open ETHW deposits and withdrawals…

2 years ago

User Paid 36 ETH Fee To Mint The First NFT On Ethereum After The Merge

A whopping 36 ETH was paid by an anonymous person to make history by minting the first NFT on Ethereum…

2 years ago

SEC Chairman Says Proof-Of-Stake Cryptocurrencies Could Be Securities

The SEC chairman seems to be eyeing Ethereum's proof-of-stake model as he suggested that a cryptocurrency that allows holders to…

2 years ago

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