Top Blockchain Protocols Dominating The Blockchain Sector

Protocols are crucial components of Blockchain technology that enable dependable and safe data transfer between cryptocurrency networks. These straightforward guidelines…

2 years ago

Axelar And Polygon To Deliver Cross-chain Communication To Polygon Supernets

Axelar, a cross-chain platform, has announced a collaboration with Polygon to provide secure cross-chain communications to Polygon Supernets. Axelar's collaboration…

2 years ago

Ethereum Foundation JavaScript Team Launches Pre-Shanghai Testnet Called ‘Shandong’

Ethereum Foundation JavaScript Team announced the launch of an early pre-Shanghai upgrade testnet called "Shandong." The testnet, which is purely…

2 years ago

Ripple Begins Testing XRP Ledger To Access Ethereum Smart Contracts

Ripple is exploring a method for developers to easily install smart contracts created for the bigger and more popular Ethereum…

2 years ago

Former Terra Developer Raises $15 Million For Solana Startup Eclipse

Former Terra developer Neel Somani raised $15 million for his Solana-based cross-chain modular rollup firm, Eclipse, becoming one of the…

2 years ago

Ethereum Layer-2 Scaling Solution TAIKO Releases Whitepaper

Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution TAIKO has released its whitepaper on Github. TAIKO is a ZK-Rollup that aims for EVM-equivalence and…

2 years ago

Aurora Pays $2 Million To Hackers Who Discovered The Bug

Aurora paid $2 million to a pair of hackers who discovered significant flaws. No user funds were lost as a…

2 years ago

IOTA Officially Launches Shimmer Network

The Internet of Things blockchain ecosystem IOTA is still evolving, with the most recent step being the creation of the…

2 years ago

Boba Network Expanded To Avalanche Blockchain

Ethereum layer-2 protocol Boba Network has announced the launch of its L2 scaling and augmenting solution on the Avalanche blockchain.…

2 years ago

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