
Will MANA, SAND guide AXS price movement in the future?

For the past 12 months, AXS has achieved a massive annual ROI of 28,880.21% against the USD. In fact, the…

3 years ago

The future new president of South Korea Lee Jae-myung gives crypto-coin messages to all citizens

It seems that the ruling Democratic Party candidate Lee-Jae-myung not only wants to get rid of the crypto tax but…

3 years ago

Unlocking Potential: 5 Reasons Emphasizing Blockchain Gaming’s Economic Dominance!

Axie Infinity has shown that the gaming industry is only a small part of what blockchain-based gaming can achieve and…

3 years ago

5 reasons why the blockchain gaming economy is the future

Axie Infinity has shown that the gaming industry is only a small part of what blockchain-based gaming can achieve and…

3 years ago

BTC and ETH will be making even more new ATHs in the near future after the 3rd halving

The two dominant digital assets, BTC and ETH, have set many memorable price points since their inception. Bitcoin currently holds…

3 years ago

After breaking his promise to list Shiba Inu (SHIB), Kraken Exchange promises to do so in the future

The Kraken Exchange has announced it will list Shiba Inu (SHIB) in the future, but has not specified when. Brian…

3 years ago

Vitalik Buterin explains Layer 2 on the future of Ethereum’s scalability

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin spoke about Layer 2 scaling solutions at a blockchain conference in China. Layer 2 (L2) is…

3 years ago

According to KOL Smart Contracter, ETH and AAVE will break out heavily in the near future

A popular analyst predicts a strong uptrend for Ethereum and Aave. Known in the industry by the smart contracter nickname,…

3 years ago

What has happened to SOL in the last 72 hours and what does the future look like?

Of all the altcoins currently available in the crypto market, SOL has been the hottest asset for over 3 months.…

3 years ago

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