
Expert warns that high inflation could push Bitcoin price to $ 30,000

Alex Krüger, founder of Aike Capital, a New York-based asset management company, warned on Wednesday (Jan. 12) that Bitcoin could…

2 years ago

Former anti-crypto giants storm into space over fears of inflation | News 04 Jan 2022 | Crypto News

Former anti-crypto giants storm into space over fears of inflation | News 04 Jan 2022 | Crypto News This "Cryptocurrency…

2 years ago

Former anti-crypto giants storm into space over fears of inflation

Formerly anti-crypto investors are flocking to Bitcoin and its coins to hedge against fiat currency inflation fears. A good example…

2 years ago

Gold, Bitcoin or DeFi: where is the inflation protection?

In the past 10 years, Bitcoin has seen 20 different bear markets. Is it time to prove yourself? Bitcoin was…

3 years ago

Robert Kiyosaki says buying bitcoin and ether when inflation escalates

Best-selling Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki announced that he is buying more Bitcoin and Ether in response to…

3 years ago

Why is Bitcoin the best weapon against inflation and inequality between rich and poor?

For Bitcoin enthusiasts, one of the most appealing things about this cryptocurrency is its escape from fiat money systems, which…

3 years ago

Media gurus say inflation is good when Americans are grappling with falling purchasing power

Media gurus say inflation is good when Americans are grappling with falling purchasing powerInflation in the US worries people about…

3 years ago

Bitcoin, Ethereum and Algorand are becoming inflation hedging investments instead of gold and growing exponentially

Prominent hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci expects Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Algorand (ALGO) to take on gold's role as…

3 years ago

Bitcoin and inflation: Investors expect the Fed to accelerate rate hikes

Bitcoin and inflation: Investors expect the Fed to accelerate rate hikes. Amid rising inflation concerns, respondents to the CNBC-Fed poll…

3 years ago

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