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Championing positive change through finance, I've dedicated over eight years to sustainability and environmental journalism. My passion lies in uncovering companies that make a real difference in the world and guiding investors towards them. My expertise lies in navigating the world of sustainable investing, analyzing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, and exploring the exciting field of impact investing. "Invest in a better future," I often say. That's the driving force behind my work at Coincu – to empower readers with knowledge and insights to make investment decisions that create a positive impact.


- 305 days ago 2 mins
305 days ago
Yuga Labs Moves 2000 Otherdeeds to Secure New Wallet!

Bored Ape Gazette has brought to light a significant development involving YugaLabs.

- 615 days ago 2 mins
615 days ago
Yuga Labs Co-Founder: Otherside Metaverse The Persistent World Expected To Launch In 2023

In an interview with Punk6529, Yuga Labs co-founder Greg Solano revealed that the Otherside metaverse

- 757 days ago 2 mins
757 days ago
BAYC and Otherside Discord Servers Have Been Hacked, Resulting In The Theft Of 32 NFTs.

The BAYC and OtherSide Discord servers were hacked. According to reports, 32 NFTs were stolen.

- 789 days ago 2 mins
789 days ago
Will ApeCoin Have Its Own Chain? $APE Is Now Accepted by Over 19,000 dApps and Games on Polygon Ecosystem

ApeCoin Is Now Available on Polygon Ecosystem After the recent Yuga Labs’ Otherdeeds NFTs minting