The PancakeSwap Swap Bot supports trading on PancakeSwap’s v2, v3, and stableswap protocols on the BNB Chain.
PancakeSwap airdrops 2.4 million ZKsync tokens.
PancakeSwap destroyed 10,068,711 CAKE tokens worth about $23 million.
This follows the Uniswap interface fee increase to 0.25% for most swaps, which received mixed reactions.
PancakeSwap, the multi-chain decentralized exchange, has announced the destruction of a staggering 8,703,247 CAKE tokens, valued at approximately US$35 million.
MakerDAO leads the top DeFi protocols list in 2023, followed by Lido, PancakeSwap, Convex Finance, and GMX.
In the dynamic realm of DeFi, BSC has solidified its position as one of the most advanced ecosystems. Today, let's…
PancakeSwap is gearing up for a transformative move with the proposed introduction of vote-escrowed CAKE (veCAKE) and voting gauges.
Absolutely, DEXs have gained popularity in the crypto world for various reasons. Today, Coincu will introduce to you the top…
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