
Don’t Use All Your Money To Invest In Just One Token! A Ukrainian Invested $10,500 Of His Life Savings in LUNA, and Then Terra Crashed

A Ukrainian Invested $10,500 Of His Life Savings in LUNA, and Then the Token Crashed A few months ago, Russia…

2 years ago

Tether Is Still Unaffected Despite $10 Billion Has Been Withdrawn In 2 Weeks

Tether Is Still Unaffected Despite $10 Billion Withdrawals In 2 weeks As discussion of rising regulatory scrutiny for stablecoins grows,…

2 years ago

Is USDC slowly regaining market interest in stablecoins?

All in all, stablecoins have been hit hard after the TerraUSD (UST) de-peg. The event saw UST drop from the…

2 years ago

fUSD de-peg and its implications for the Fantom ecosystem

When UST de-peg, a series of stablecoins were negatively affected, including fUSD – stablecoin on Fantom. However, the de-peg fUSD…

2 years ago

Top Stablecoins Lose $7 Billion In May As Traders Redeem Tokens In Bulk

In May, the top four stablecoins by market capitalization shrank by about 4%, with Tether losing 11% of its supply…

2 years ago

Tether is now lowering its holdings of such securities and boosting its exposure to US Treasury bonds

Tether is now lowering its holdings of such securities and boosting its exposure to US Treasury bonds The collapse of…

2 years ago

Tether’s petition to keep reserve records hidden from the public was denied by America court

Tether's petition to keep reserve records hidden from the public was denied Tether's (USDT) petition to the state of New…

2 years ago

Tether and UST, what is the difference between these two stablecoins?

The collapse of Terra USD has damaged the reputation of stablecoins and the broader crypto industry. But in an effort…

2 years ago

Circle proves USDC’s ‘solid’ reserve after UST failed

Following the failure of stablecoin UST under Terra's management, Circle CFO Jeremy Fox-Geen issued a blog post titled "How to…

2 years ago

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