Yuga Labs

The Ethereum Blockchain Was Just Broken By The Bored Ape Yacht Club

On Saturday night, the Bored Ape Yacht Club brought Ethereum to a halt. Yuga Labs published a new NFT collection…

2 years ago

Yuga Labs Might Make $400 Million From Otherside Virtual Land Sales

Yuga Labs, the developers of Bored Ape, are expecting to make a lot of money from the selling of lands…

2 years ago

Bored Ape Metaverse Launch Date Set For April 30

The upcoming ‘Otherside’ Bored Ape metaverse launch date is set for 12pm ET on April 30th. Bored Ape Metaverse Launch…

2 years ago

In The First Quarter Of 2022, Blockchain-Based Games Raised $2.5 Billion.

According to a recent DappRadar research, blockchain-based games raised $2.5 billion from investors in Q1 2022. If current trends continue,…

2 years ago

Is ApeCoin a potential token to invest in? You must dig in now

ApeCoin - one of the most bullish projects recently According to crypto-researcher Max Maher, ApeCoin is a great plan from…

2 years ago

Bored Ape Yacht Club creator has raised $450 million to build an incredible NFT metaverse

Bored Ape creator Yuga Labs announced it has closed its Series Seed funding round, led by a16z crypto, with participation…

2 years ago

Bored Ape Yacht Club Sales Decreased By $200 Million

In February 2022, Bored Ape Yacht Club generated around $110 million. Although this appears to be a very high volume…

2 years ago

ApeCoin’s price continues to Drop although TIME magazine announced to accept $APE as payment

Overnight, the price of ApeCoin dropped by double digits. TIME, an American publisher and news platform, has included APE as a…

2 years ago

14 New ETH Addresses Bought 159 Meebits Before Acquisition, is this a sign of insider trading?

Between March 5th and March 11th, 14 new Ethereum (ETH) addresses were identified for buying 159 Meebits. These purchases were…

2 years ago

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