Ankr Suffers From DNS Attack Related To Polygon And Fantom Networks

Not long ago CoinCu reported on Convex DNS attack, and this time it happened again, Ankr is the name mentioned in this attack.
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Ankr Suffers From DNS Attack Related To Polygon And Fantom Networks 2

On July 1, Ankr, a node infrastructure provider for Proof-of-Stake blockchains, announced that it had suffered a domain name hijacking attack, also known as a DNS attack.

The attackers were able to hijack the RPCs of two crypto-related platforms, Polygon and Fantom. According to available information, the hackers could be looking to deviously trick users to provide information about wallet seed phrases.

RPCs are a type of software communication tool used to transfer data between networks. Ankr revealed that it was working on the issues raised by the community members while advising them to use other RPCs as an alternative to the compromised ones.

The above information has also been confirmed by Polygon’s Chief Information Security Officer, Mudit Gupta. In the meantime, users are advised to switch to alternate links or change node providers.

Sandeep, the Polygon co-founder, confirmed that its users’ funds were safe while also advising them to use other RPC providers like Infura and others.

Available details indicated that users of the compromised RPC received an error message directing them to immediately transfer their funds to another platform with the address: polygonapp[.]net.

Through this, they get transferred to an entirely different page asking for their seed phrase. Therefore, users should still be careful and avoid situations like the one above.

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