Cryptocurrency Exchange Withdrawn $4.8 Million From Hot Wallet

PeckShield discovered that may be in the middle of an attack as nearly $5 million was withdrawn from the crypto exchange’s hot wallet. The exchange halted withdrawals yesterday for “temporary maintenance”. seems to be being hacked may be the latest victim of a crypto hack, although details are sparse at this stage.

The company that claims to be “the world’s most secure digital asset exchange”, may have fallen victim to a hack today as nearly $5 million in more than 20 categories Various cryptocurrencies were transferred from the exchange’s hot wallet, after which the receiving address was liquidated.

PeckShield, a blockchain security and analytics firm, observed and reported the unusual movement of funds.

The attacker sold off the tokens on several decentralized exchanges following the attack; they netted about 2,224 ETH ($3.6 million) for the sales and transferred the funds to this wallet, where they remain at press time.

The day before the incident, the exchange paused withdrawals for “temporary maintenance”. There is still no official confirmation of the attack from the exchange.

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.

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Cryptocurrency Exchange Withdrawn $4.8 Million From Hot Wallet

PeckShield discovered that may be in the middle of an attack as nearly $5 million was withdrawn from the crypto exchange’s hot wallet. The exchange halted withdrawals yesterday for “temporary maintenance”. seems to be being hacked may be the latest victim of a crypto hack, although details are sparse at this stage.

The company that claims to be “the world’s most secure digital asset exchange”, may have fallen victim to a hack today as nearly $5 million in more than 20 categories Various cryptocurrencies were transferred from the exchange’s hot wallet, after which the receiving address was liquidated.

PeckShield, a blockchain security and analytics firm, observed and reported the unusual movement of funds.

The attacker sold off the tokens on several decentralized exchanges following the attack; they netted about 2,224 ETH ($3.6 million) for the sales and transferred the funds to this wallet, where they remain at press time.

The day before the incident, the exchange paused withdrawals for “temporary maintenance”. There is still no official confirmation of the attack from the exchange.

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.

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