The Product Logic Behind Cwallet: Creating A Great Web3 User Experience

Key Points:

  • Cwallet provides users with an efficient trading experience while reducing the Web3 print activity threshold.
  • The platform also brings security, convenience, and flexibility to all user transactions by providing managed and non-custodial integrated services.
  • It has a built-in flash exchange service and integrates many mainstream CEX and DEX.
In 2010, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, deleted the game angrily after the siphon skill in his favorite game “World of Warcraft” was canceled by the game company and turned to explore the decentralized network of assets that can be controlled by individuals. After a lapse of 12 years, the wanton misappropriation of user assets under the thunder of the exchange FTX once again proved the necessity of fully controlling the ownership of personal assets, and wallets play an important role in the safe storage of assets.
At the same time, because it is compatible with all Web3 applications, the wallet allows users to seamlessly enjoy any Web3 service, which makes this important infrastructure a traffic and distribution platform for Web3 applications. However, ordinary users still have a high learning curve threshold for encrypted wallets, and the process is cumbersome.
At present, Web3 Wallet is improving the user experience through increasingly rich products and gradually improving the structure to capture more liquidity. For example, Cwallet, the first custodial and non-custodial combination encrypted wallet is helping users easily start the exploration journey of the Web3 world by superimposing different product modules, aggregating multiple functions and gameplay, and endowing them with social attributes.
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Lower the entry threshold of Web3 and create an efficient trading experience

The lowering of barriers to entry for users is the cornerstone of the mass adoption of applications, and computers are an example. Since early computers used only a command-line interface, this also made them a geek’s toy.

In the 1970s, Xerox Corporation of the United States developed the first graphical user interface, which made the computer realize the transformation from the character interface to the graphical interface. Computer applications such as office software and games are also widely used in daily life.

The same goes for crypto wallets. Developers have been working hard to lower the high threshold for several years, but for Web2 users, the current wallet still has high learning costs in mnemonic words, private keys, signatures, etc., which largely limits the popularity of Web3. The popularity of Web3 is not only due to the emergence of innovative applications, but sufficient user stock is the key.

The wallet is the user entrance of the Web3 ecology. But for the general public, if the wallet cannot match the standard bank level in terms of asset security and ease of use cannot be compared with products such as Alipay, then it will be difficult to attract them to participate in the Web3 world.

Based on this cognition, Cwallet provides users with an efficient trading experience while also lowering the operating threshold. As a one-stop wallet, Cwallet supports email, phone, Apple ID, third-party platforms and other one-click login methods with Web2 genes, which greatly reduces the barriers to entry for new users.

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Not only that, Cwallet also brings security, convenience and flexibility to all user transactions by providing managed and non-custodial integration services. Among them, the hosted wallet allows users to send, receive, exchange and manage personal encrypted assets anytime and anywhere, and can greatly reduce the complexity of wallet creation and the risk of private key loss, etc., especially for novice users who have just stepped into the Web3 gate.

Non-custodial wallets can meet users’ needs for personal asset security and privacy, and the assets are 100% in their own hands. Of course, centralized wallets and decentralized wallets can be switched seamlessly with one click to meet the different needs of different users for asset operations.

Of course, when encrypted assets are moving towards the public, various wallet security incidents have also “dissuaded” users outside the circle to a large extent. To this end, Cwallet protects the security of user assets by adopting advanced technologies and risk control mechanisms such as 2FA authentication, multi-party cloud computing (MPCC) protocol, end-to-end encryption principles, and multi-signature for signing transactions.

Even with a centralized wallet, users can still safely control their funds. The easy-to-use wallet tool and strong technical support also make Cwallet win the favor of millions of users. According to community research on various platforms, Cwallet has a considerable number of daily active users, spreading across Southeast Asia and South America.

In addition, with the emergence of new public chains, the encrypted world has formed a “multi-chain coexistence” situation, which also puts forward higher requirements for the convenience and composability of asset allocation in wallets.

At present, Cwallet has supported more than 50 chains such as ERC-20, BEP-20, Layer2, Solana, Polygon, etc., and more than 800 mainstream tokens and unpopular potential tokens, which also means that users do not need to create multiple types of case of wallets, no matter which mainnet you want to interact with, you can easily manage multiple encrypted assets through Cwallet.

It is worth mentioning that in order to improve the convenience of users’ transactions, Cwallet also has a built-in flash exchange service and integrates many mainstream CEX and DEX. Users do not need to withdraw their assets to the trading platform, and they can use the best exchange route they find from the liquidity provider and the best exchange rate provided by real-time analysis of numerous exchange rates and prices of multiple exchanges, with zero service fees.

Key assets can be exchanged, and there is no minimum exchange amount limit, and even transfers between Cwallet accounts do not require Gas fees. This simplification function not only effectively reduces the user’s operational difficulty and cost, but also makes transactions safer and more efficient. Currently, Cwallet supports one-click instant exchange of more than 300 cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, and USDT.

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However, looking at most of the Web3 wallets on the market, provide centralized or decentralized versions of functions. So, how does Cwallet stand out from the multitude of wallets and remain competitive? Starting from the interactive experience, Cwallet’s multi-functional tools that fit the habits of Web2 and Web3 users become a sharp weapon for differentiated competition.

How to build Alipay for Web3? Explore the application scenarios of wallet + tools

From “pay with Alipay” to “good life, Alipay,” behind the change of Alipay Solgon is that the platform has been upgraded from a simple payment tool to an open platform for digital life. The multi-functional access makes it a “new infrastructure” for the service industry. And gradually become a common tool that goes deep into people’s lives.

With the accelerated arrival of the Web3 era, encrypted wallets are also constantly improving their functions to meet the needs of increasingly rich users and scenarios and iteratively upgrade from the initial carrier of asset management to multiple scenarios such as identity on the chain, smart contract interaction, social networking, and DAO voting. Wallets with single functions are gradually declining.

In addition to basic services such as asset storage and transactions, Cwallet has built multi-functional tools in the wallet, which can not only meet Web3 business needs and improve marketing efficiency but also help cryptocurrencies penetrate into people’s daily lives.


Cwallet’s versatile crypto wallet bot is specially designed for the Web3 community. Without any technical barriers, users can use the free developer API of the Cwallet bot, without programming skills and excessive time costs, to create their own exclusive bot with one click in minutes and customize the bot nickname and avatar. The bot successfully combines wallet attributes and social attributes.

In addition to easily interacting with instructions to grasp the real-time status of account assets, it can also send interesting red envelopes and airdrop instructions to activate the community and enhance the stickiness of users and brands. Not only that, but Cwallet also has a background panel to monitor the community situation in real-time, which can clearly record the growth of the community through data and provide necessary guiding suggestions.

At the same time, paid subscriptions can help creators realize content monetization, and the asset verification function can screen accurate users for project parties. A variety of group management modes can contribute to the development of each crypto community and become the best path to shorten the distance between users and Web3.

image 1435

To put it simply, the multiple functions of the CWallet bot can not only achieve community fission and become a secret weapon for user growth but also improve the liquidity of tokens through daily Token interactions and even use custom bots to build brand awareness.

At present, the CWallet bot has reached more than 30 million community members, with more than 37 million daily active users and more than 20 million bot interactions. It has integrated multiple social platforms such as Telegram, Discord, and Twitter. In the future, it will also support Twitch, YouTube, and Instagram.

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Lottery tool

Currently, the Giveaway lottery is the preferred way for various Web3 projects to attract traffic, including the Web3 Wool Party, which usually performs tasks on different bounty platforms so that it can activate not only the community but also attract more users. The real influx of users and the growth of traffic have led to the emergence of various task platforms, such as Gleam, but there are varying degrees of differences in the functions of each platform.

Cwallet is positioned as a tool, and has launched a Web2.5 full-featured Cwallet Giveaway for Web2 brands and Web3 communities. The project party can easily create a sweepstakes event within a few minutes and customize the sweepstakes theme, prize type, task requirements of all categories, and other relevant information.

In terms of participation methods, Gleam only allows users to log in using Facebook and email. In contrast, Cwallet’s participation methods are more diverse, including email, telephone, Twitter and mainstream wallets, realizing the combination of Web2 and Web3; Gleam has many restrictions in the event design, such as the inability to collect the user’s email address and set the language, etc., and the project party needs to pay to unlock more functions, while Cwallet can provide completely free services.

In addition to improving and upgrading various tasks on commonly used Web2 platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Facebook, YouTube, and Mirror, the tool also upgrades on-chain task scenarios such as wallet address collection and asset certification and can perform more detailed tasks on qualified users. Differentiation screening (such as on-chain transaction frequency, player level, specific NFT/SBT holders, etc.

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From the perspective of participants, Gleam’s task is to check item by item, and the operation is relatively cumbersome, while Cwallet will verify the completion of each task with one click after the user participates in the task. It is worth mentioning that in order to prevent black-box operations, Cwallet adopts a sophisticated design that can prove fairness.

Based on the unpredictable blockchain algorithm and open source random algorithm, Cwallet assigns each participant an independent PID and publicizes it to ensure that the results of the lottery are absolutely random and cannot be modified, fair and just.

The verification of the contact information of the creator of the event and the guide to receive the prize are also very likely to avoid the proliferation of false activities, ensure the randomness and reliability of the lottery to the greatest extent, and increase the enthusiasm of users to participate.

In addition, in order to prevent wool parties from preempting the reward share, Cwallet also introduces customizable API callback task verification, account locking, and accurate detection of anti-bots to attract more real traffic for organizers.

image 1436

From this point of view, compared with the complex project review mechanism and high costs of other platforms, Giveaway can meet the marketing needs of more project parties, greatly improve efficiency and reduce participation thresholds, and will become a powerful marketing tool for crypto project parties. Especially for new projects in their infancy, Giveaway will accurately capture real traffic and bring better marketing effects.

For participating users, Giveaway will bring them higher-quality tasks, and it can prove that the fair lottery mechanism can create a fairer and more credible competitive environment for them to play and earn various tasks easily. The essence of the Web3 ecology is the “two-way rush” between the project side and the user side, which is also the purpose of Cwallet Giveaway.

Other gadgets

In addition, Cwallet has also launched a number of unique and practical functions that are integrated with real life. For example:

Tipbox Reward Code: The free receipt code allows users to flexibly use content rewards, salary receipts, online shopping, transfers, etc., without providing lengthy blockchain addresses.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.25.27

Bulk Payment: You can send Token or NFT with one click, and it now supports more than 50 blockchains and more than 800 encrypted assets, which can be used in multiple scenarios such as automatic salary payment and DAO fee management.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.26.11

Mobile Refill: meet the daily needs of users in various regions, and can quickly realize mobile recharge with encrypted currency. At present, it supports any number and more than 200 operators in more than 40 countries.

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Cwallet also recently launched the encrypted payment solution CCPayment, which provides free and open-source API services for various individuals and merchants. The access method is simple and the currency is rich. The most surprising thing is that it only charges 0.03% of the payment amount as Service fees, lower than those charged by any other platform on the market.

At the bottom of the official website, we can see that the Cwallet team has obtained the Lithuanian Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) license certification and quietly listed the future legal currency trading entrance. From this, it is not difficult to see Cwallet’s ambition to capture the market and create Web3 Alipay-level applications.

The product is the scene, and the scene is the ecology. Only the wallet that deeply cultivates the scene application can provide a broad soil for the development of the Web3 ecology.

The Lego-style product logic of Cwallet is the core value of Web3 today, and it has played an important role in improving efficiency and paradigm innovation. Chris Dixon, founder of the well-known venture capital a16z, once said, “Composability is to software, just like compound interest is to finance.

The future of software lies in composability. The ability to mix and match software components like Lego bricks, each software component needs to be written only once and can be easily reused thereafter”.

Monika Sinha, research vice president at Gartner, also pointed out that business composability is the antidote to organizational volatility. Among organizations with high composability, 63 percent of CIOs report better business performance compared to peers or competitors, while the organization is also better able to pursue new value streams through technology.

All in all, the current cryptocurrency is gaining more and more recognition and usage scenarios in the mainstream market, and the encrypted wallet as a traffic portal no longer only plays the basic role of asset management in the traditional sense.

The richness of functions and practicality make it a In order to capture the key components of Web3 traffic; it has even become one of the keys for each application to expand the market size and break through the shackles of development.

On the basis of asset storage, Cwallet will pave a low-threshold encryption highway for ordinary users by building different tool modules, allowing them to easily and quickly participate in the encrypted financial world and integrate encrypted services into daily consumption, or It becomes an important entrance for Web2 users to interact with each scene of Web3.

Although it is self-evident that the development of multi-line process functions is superimposed, the Web3 world needs a sufficiently smooth and phenomenal application to popularize the concept of encryption to every corner of the world.

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.

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The Product Logic Behind Cwallet: Creating A Great Web3 User Experience

Key Points:

  • Cwallet provides users with an efficient trading experience while reducing the Web3 print activity threshold.
  • The platform also brings security, convenience, and flexibility to all user transactions by providing managed and non-custodial integrated services.
  • It has a built-in flash exchange service and integrates many mainstream CEX and DEX.
In 2010, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, deleted the game angrily after the siphon skill in his favorite game “World of Warcraft” was canceled by the game company and turned to explore the decentralized network of assets that can be controlled by individuals. After a lapse of 12 years, the wanton misappropriation of user assets under the thunder of the exchange FTX once again proved the necessity of fully controlling the ownership of personal assets, and wallets play an important role in the safe storage of assets.
At the same time, because it is compatible with all Web3 applications, the wallet allows users to seamlessly enjoy any Web3 service, which makes this important infrastructure a traffic and distribution platform for Web3 applications. However, ordinary users still have a high learning curve threshold for encrypted wallets, and the process is cumbersome.
At present, Web3 Wallet is improving the user experience through increasingly rich products and gradually improving the structure to capture more liquidity. For example, Cwallet, the first custodial and non-custodial combination encrypted wallet is helping users easily start the exploration journey of the Web3 world by superimposing different product modules, aggregating multiple functions and gameplay, and endowing them with social attributes.
Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.28.28

Lower the entry threshold of Web3 and create an efficient trading experience

The lowering of barriers to entry for users is the cornerstone of the mass adoption of applications, and computers are an example. Since early computers used only a command-line interface, this also made them a geek’s toy.

In the 1970s, Xerox Corporation of the United States developed the first graphical user interface, which made the computer realize the transformation from the character interface to the graphical interface. Computer applications such as office software and games are also widely used in daily life.

The same goes for crypto wallets. Developers have been working hard to lower the high threshold for several years, but for Web2 users, the current wallet still has high learning costs in mnemonic words, private keys, signatures, etc., which largely limits the popularity of Web3. The popularity of Web3 is not only due to the emergence of innovative applications, but sufficient user stock is the key.

The wallet is the user entrance of the Web3 ecology. But for the general public, if the wallet cannot match the standard bank level in terms of asset security and ease of use cannot be compared with products such as Alipay, then it will be difficult to attract them to participate in the Web3 world.

Based on this cognition, Cwallet provides users with an efficient trading experience while also lowering the operating threshold. As a one-stop wallet, Cwallet supports email, phone, Apple ID, third-party platforms and other one-click login methods with Web2 genes, which greatly reduces the barriers to entry for new users.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.05.25

Not only that, Cwallet also brings security, convenience and flexibility to all user transactions by providing managed and non-custodial integration services. Among them, the hosted wallet allows users to send, receive, exchange and manage personal encrypted assets anytime and anywhere, and can greatly reduce the complexity of wallet creation and the risk of private key loss, etc., especially for novice users who have just stepped into the Web3 gate.

Non-custodial wallets can meet users’ needs for personal asset security and privacy, and the assets are 100% in their own hands. Of course, centralized wallets and decentralized wallets can be switched seamlessly with one click to meet the different needs of different users for asset operations.

Of course, when encrypted assets are moving towards the public, various wallet security incidents have also “dissuaded” users outside the circle to a large extent. To this end, Cwallet protects the security of user assets by adopting advanced technologies and risk control mechanisms such as 2FA authentication, multi-party cloud computing (MPCC) protocol, end-to-end encryption principles, and multi-signature for signing transactions.

Even with a centralized wallet, users can still safely control their funds. The easy-to-use wallet tool and strong technical support also make Cwallet win the favor of millions of users. According to community research on various platforms, Cwallet has a considerable number of daily active users, spreading across Southeast Asia and South America.

In addition, with the emergence of new public chains, the encrypted world has formed a “multi-chain coexistence” situation, which also puts forward higher requirements for the convenience and composability of asset allocation in wallets.

At present, Cwallet has supported more than 50 chains such as ERC-20, BEP-20, Layer2, Solana, Polygon, etc., and more than 800 mainstream tokens and unpopular potential tokens, which also means that users do not need to create multiple types of case of wallets, no matter which mainnet you want to interact with, you can easily manage multiple encrypted assets through Cwallet.

It is worth mentioning that in order to improve the convenience of users’ transactions, Cwallet also has a built-in flash exchange service and integrates many mainstream CEX and DEX. Users do not need to withdraw their assets to the trading platform, and they can use the best exchange route they find from the liquidity provider and the best exchange rate provided by real-time analysis of numerous exchange rates and prices of multiple exchanges, with zero service fees.

Key assets can be exchanged, and there is no minimum exchange amount limit, and even transfers between Cwallet accounts do not require Gas fees. This simplification function not only effectively reduces the user’s operational difficulty and cost, but also makes transactions safer and more efficient. Currently, Cwallet supports one-click instant exchange of more than 300 cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, and USDT.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.08.31

However, looking at most of the Web3 wallets on the market, provide centralized or decentralized versions of functions. So, how does Cwallet stand out from the multitude of wallets and remain competitive? Starting from the interactive experience, Cwallet’s multi-functional tools that fit the habits of Web2 and Web3 users become a sharp weapon for differentiated competition.

How to build Alipay for Web3? Explore the application scenarios of wallet + tools

From “pay with Alipay” to “good life, Alipay,” behind the change of Alipay Solgon is that the platform has been upgraded from a simple payment tool to an open platform for digital life. The multi-functional access makes it a “new infrastructure” for the service industry. And gradually become a common tool that goes deep into people’s lives.

With the accelerated arrival of the Web3 era, encrypted wallets are also constantly improving their functions to meet the needs of increasingly rich users and scenarios and iteratively upgrade from the initial carrier of asset management to multiple scenarios such as identity on the chain, smart contract interaction, social networking, and DAO voting. Wallets with single functions are gradually declining.

In addition to basic services such as asset storage and transactions, Cwallet has built multi-functional tools in the wallet, which can not only meet Web3 business needs and improve marketing efficiency but also help cryptocurrencies penetrate into people’s daily lives.


Cwallet’s versatile crypto wallet bot is specially designed for the Web3 community. Without any technical barriers, users can use the free developer API of the Cwallet bot, without programming skills and excessive time costs, to create their own exclusive bot with one click in minutes and customize the bot nickname and avatar. The bot successfully combines wallet attributes and social attributes.

In addition to easily interacting with instructions to grasp the real-time status of account assets, it can also send interesting red envelopes and airdrop instructions to activate the community and enhance the stickiness of users and brands. Not only that, but Cwallet also has a background panel to monitor the community situation in real-time, which can clearly record the growth of the community through data and provide necessary guiding suggestions.

At the same time, paid subscriptions can help creators realize content monetization, and the asset verification function can screen accurate users for project parties. A variety of group management modes can contribute to the development of each crypto community and become the best path to shorten the distance between users and Web3.

image 1435

To put it simply, the multiple functions of the CWallet bot can not only achieve community fission and become a secret weapon for user growth but also improve the liquidity of tokens through daily Token interactions and even use custom bots to build brand awareness.

At present, the CWallet bot has reached more than 30 million community members, with more than 37 million daily active users and more than 20 million bot interactions. It has integrated multiple social platforms such as Telegram, Discord, and Twitter. In the future, it will also support Twitch, YouTube, and Instagram.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.20.34

Lottery tool

Currently, the Giveaway lottery is the preferred way for various Web3 projects to attract traffic, including the Web3 Wool Party, which usually performs tasks on different bounty platforms so that it can activate not only the community but also attract more users. The real influx of users and the growth of traffic have led to the emergence of various task platforms, such as Gleam, but there are varying degrees of differences in the functions of each platform.

Cwallet is positioned as a tool, and has launched a Web2.5 full-featured Cwallet Giveaway for Web2 brands and Web3 communities. The project party can easily create a sweepstakes event within a few minutes and customize the sweepstakes theme, prize type, task requirements of all categories, and other relevant information.

In terms of participation methods, Gleam only allows users to log in using Facebook and email. In contrast, Cwallet’s participation methods are more diverse, including email, telephone, Twitter and mainstream wallets, realizing the combination of Web2 and Web3; Gleam has many restrictions in the event design, such as the inability to collect the user’s email address and set the language, etc., and the project party needs to pay to unlock more functions, while Cwallet can provide completely free services.

In addition to improving and upgrading various tasks on commonly used Web2 platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Facebook, YouTube, and Mirror, the tool also upgrades on-chain task scenarios such as wallet address collection and asset certification and can perform more detailed tasks on qualified users. Differentiation screening (such as on-chain transaction frequency, player level, specific NFT/SBT holders, etc.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.22.09

From the perspective of participants, Gleam’s task is to check item by item, and the operation is relatively cumbersome, while Cwallet will verify the completion of each task with one click after the user participates in the task. It is worth mentioning that in order to prevent black-box operations, Cwallet adopts a sophisticated design that can prove fairness.

Based on the unpredictable blockchain algorithm and open source random algorithm, Cwallet assigns each participant an independent PID and publicizes it to ensure that the results of the lottery are absolutely random and cannot be modified, fair and just.

The verification of the contact information of the creator of the event and the guide to receive the prize are also very likely to avoid the proliferation of false activities, ensure the randomness and reliability of the lottery to the greatest extent, and increase the enthusiasm of users to participate.

In addition, in order to prevent wool parties from preempting the reward share, Cwallet also introduces customizable API callback task verification, account locking, and accurate detection of anti-bots to attract more real traffic for organizers.

image 1436

From this point of view, compared with the complex project review mechanism and high costs of other platforms, Giveaway can meet the marketing needs of more project parties, greatly improve efficiency and reduce participation thresholds, and will become a powerful marketing tool for crypto project parties. Especially for new projects in their infancy, Giveaway will accurately capture real traffic and bring better marketing effects.

For participating users, Giveaway will bring them higher-quality tasks, and it can prove that the fair lottery mechanism can create a fairer and more credible competitive environment for them to play and earn various tasks easily. The essence of the Web3 ecology is the “two-way rush” between the project side and the user side, which is also the purpose of Cwallet Giveaway.

Other gadgets

In addition, Cwallet has also launched a number of unique and practical functions that are integrated with real life. For example:

Tipbox Reward Code: The free receipt code allows users to flexibly use content rewards, salary receipts, online shopping, transfers, etc., without providing lengthy blockchain addresses.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.25.27

Bulk Payment: You can send Token or NFT with one click, and it now supports more than 50 blockchains and more than 800 encrypted assets, which can be used in multiple scenarios such as automatic salary payment and DAO fee management.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.26.11

Mobile Refill: meet the daily needs of users in various regions, and can quickly realize mobile recharge with encrypted currency. At present, it supports any number and more than 200 operators in more than 40 countries.

Screenshot 2023 02 18 at 16.26.59

Cwallet also recently launched the encrypted payment solution CCPayment, which provides free and open-source API services for various individuals and merchants. The access method is simple and the currency is rich. The most surprising thing is that it only charges 0.03% of the payment amount as Service fees, lower than those charged by any other platform on the market.

At the bottom of the official website, we can see that the Cwallet team has obtained the Lithuanian Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) license certification and quietly listed the future legal currency trading entrance. From this, it is not difficult to see Cwallet’s ambition to capture the market and create Web3 Alipay-level applications.

The product is the scene, and the scene is the ecology. Only the wallet that deeply cultivates the scene application can provide a broad soil for the development of the Web3 ecology.

The Lego-style product logic of Cwallet is the core value of Web3 today, and it has played an important role in improving efficiency and paradigm innovation. Chris Dixon, founder of the well-known venture capital a16z, once said, “Composability is to software, just like compound interest is to finance.

The future of software lies in composability. The ability to mix and match software components like Lego bricks, each software component needs to be written only once and can be easily reused thereafter”.

Monika Sinha, research vice president at Gartner, also pointed out that business composability is the antidote to organizational volatility. Among organizations with high composability, 63 percent of CIOs report better business performance compared to peers or competitors, while the organization is also better able to pursue new value streams through technology.

All in all, the current cryptocurrency is gaining more and more recognition and usage scenarios in the mainstream market, and the encrypted wallet as a traffic portal no longer only plays the basic role of asset management in the traditional sense.

The richness of functions and practicality make it a In order to capture the key components of Web3 traffic; it has even become one of the keys for each application to expand the market size and break through the shackles of development.

On the basis of asset storage, Cwallet will pave a low-threshold encryption highway for ordinary users by building different tool modules, allowing them to easily and quickly participate in the encrypted financial world and integrate encrypted services into daily consumption, or It becomes an important entrance for Web2 users to interact with each scene of Web3.

Although it is self-evident that the development of multi-line process functions is superimposed, the Web3 world needs a sufficiently smooth and phenomenal application to popularize the concept of encryption to every corner of the world.

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.

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