CJournal Gained US$1.5 million from Ultrafluid Venture, Marking a Total Investment of US$2.5 million
After receiving US$1.5 million investment from Angle Capital and Yearn Consulting Group weeks ago, CJournal happily announced a new round of investment from Ultrafluid Venture of US$1.5 million. Building on its previous fame, the total US$2.5 million investment is a proud figure for CJournal.
CJournal is a read-to-earn platform aiming to create transparent and credible on-channels and reviews for the crypto industry. In return for reading and reviewing articles users earn rewards.
With the ambition of building a decentralized journalism platform, where anyone can become a publisher and all media professionals can operate independently of traditional media platforms and capital to publish authentic, objective, and accurate news, CJournal is using smart contracts which can enable the news world to return to a value-driven approach to journalism. The Read to Earn system, a system offering users rewards after reading and reviewing articles, is encouraging an increasing number of more to join the ecosystem. In this sense, CJournal is a strong incentive for people nowadays to read more and empower themselves in this web 3.0 era. In CJournal, a platform full of first-hand authentic, objective, and accurate blockchain news, users can understand the latest cryptocurrency trends.
CJournal is gradually forming up a solid user base since its launch. Currently, there are about 500 daily active users/addresses and over 10, 000 daily trust ratings, and the number is still increasing. The listing on CoinTR also tells the story of CJournal’s potential. Since the listing, CJournal has been ranking top in the daily top gainers list for a few consecutive days. As of Dec 15th and 17th, UCJL is proudly on the Daily Top Gainer list on CoinTR. The commitment from Ultrafluid Venture is another solid proof of CJournal’s popularity and vision. At the beginning of its establishment, Ultrafluid Venture’s main business was liquidity services. It has traded billions of dollars in the digital market, providing project parties with optimal liquidity solutions and self-developed programmatic trading systems.
According to the characteristics of high volatility in the digital asset market, a variety of liquidity tools have been developed, including CEX liquidity services and DEX liquidity services. At present, the business has also expanded to the primary market investment business, relying on liquidity services to provide high-quality post-investment services for projects.
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