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AltLayer Review: The Remarkable Protocol Supports Rollup Infrastructure

AltLayer (ALT), a prominent infrastructure project, is making significant strides in the blockchain space by offering innovative Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS) solutions for various projects. This unique approach positions AltLayer as a key player in the development and advancement of blockchain technologies. Today, let’s learn about this project with Coincu through the AltLayer Review article.
AltLayer Review: The Remarkable Protocol Supports Rollup Infrastructure 14

What is AltLayer?

AltLayer is a Retake Rollup protocol, revolutionizing the landscape by augmenting security, decentralization, and processing speed for prominent Rollups like OP Stack, ZKStack, Arbitrum Orbit, and more. Notably, AltLayer extends its rollup services to Web3 projects through its innovative rollup-as-a-service feature.

One of AltLayer’s distinctive features lies in its adaptability to the multi-threaded and multi-virtual world, offering support for both EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) and WASM (WebAssembly). Furthermore, AltLayer demonstrates compatibility with various SDK rollup kits, including OP Stack, Arbitrum Orbit, Polygon zkEVM, zkSync’s ZK Stack, and StarkWare.

AltLayer Review: Rollups-as-a-Service Project

The protocol seamlessly integrates with shared sequencing services such as Espresso and Radius, as well as diverse data availability layers like Celestia, EigenLayer, Avail, and numerous other module services spanning different layers of the rollup structure.

Introducing an innovative concept, AltLayer brings forth Retaked rollups, a novel approach that enhances existing rollups. By leveraging staking mechanisms, AltLayer infuses these rollups with fortified security capabilities, decentralization, interoperability, and the accelerated finality of cryptoeconomics.

Read more: opBNB Review: The First Layer 2 Of BNB Chain

What are Retaken Rollups?

Leveraging EigenLayer’s innovative staking mechanism, Retaken Rollups are designed to deliver heightened security, decentralization, improved interoperability, and rapid finality within the dynamic landscape of the monetary economy.

At its core, Retaken Rollups can be conceptualized as a set of three Actively Validated Services (AVSes) tailor-made for each specific rollup, transcending the limitations of the underlying rollup platform. These AVSes play a pivotal role in enhancing the functionality of rollups, particularly those tailored for specific applications.

Highlights of AltLayer

AltLayer introduces a spectrum of rollup options designed to provide high flexibility in selection and deployment. Ranging from versatile solutions like Arbitrum One, Optimism Mainnet, and ZKSync, which serve general requirements, to tailor-made rollups crafted for specific applications utilizing varied technologies and modularization.

The AltLayer rollups can be categorized into two distinct types based on their usage time:

AltLayer’s temporary rollups enable the swift deployment of rollup solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of applications. Thanks to the robust security provided by Layer 1, these rollups ensure a safe operational environment. The temporary rollup remains active until it fulfills its purpose, after which it gracefully concludes its life cycle on layer 1.

For applications demanding stability and a long-term commitment, AltLayer offers persistent rollups. These rollups operate indefinitely, making them ideal for applications that require a reliable and enduring solution.

Product of AltLayer

Restaked Rollup

Retaked Rollup is a revolutionary service, offering a Rollup Layer for Rollups. This innovative service is set to enhance transaction processing capabilities and bolster decentralization efforts within various projects. The Retaked Layer, powered by Actively Validated Services (AVS), employs validators for authentication on specific layers, including Sidechain and the Data Availability Layer.

Positioned between Rollup and Layer 1, VITAL assumes a pivotal role in verifying transactions and status from Rollup. Its primary objective is to ensure the network’s safety by validating information before transmitting it to Layer 1 for transaction execution.

This meticulous verification process significantly enhances the security and decentralization of Rollups. Furthermore, in cases where Rollup violations are detected, VITAL can initiate a Fraud Proof process, sending evidence to Layer 1 for resolution during a challenge period.

Fraud Proof: This mechanism allows for the challenge of Rollup’s status on Layer 1. During the challenge period, any entity doubting the accuracy of the information can submit evidence of fraud or errors.

MACH, another integral AVS in the Retaked Rollup arsenal, specializes in expediting trading processes for Rollups through three distinctive modes:

  • Pessimistic: This mode deems all transactions from Rollup as invalid, necessitating double verification. While this approach enhances security, it is particularly suited for high-performance rollups prioritizing safety.
  • Optimistic: This mode permits Rollup to present the state of a block for challenge, enabling it to prove any errors in the state.
  • Valucity Proof: Leveraging the decentralization of the Mach network, this mode ensures the valid verification of transactions committed by Rollup. It safeguards system accuracy and security.

SQUAD, the third member of the AVS lineup, plays a crucial role in decentralizing Sequencers. In many Layer 2 or Rollup scenarios, a single sequencer is employed to verify and arrange transactions.

AltLayer’s innovation with SQUAD aims to decentralize sequencers, mitigating issues such as Miner Extractable Value (MeV) and dependence on the performance of a single sequencer. This approach diverges from the common practice where projects use a single sequencer to optimize costs and profits.

How does AltLayer work?

VITAL for Decentralised Verification

VITAL is a pivotal enshrined verification layer, significantly bolstering the security and finality of rollups. This sophisticated system operates through a network of AVS-registered operators, offering a robust mechanism for verifying new states proposed by SQUAD operators.

The primary function of VITAL lies in its ability to detect invalid state roots, ensuring the integrity of the entire system. One of its key features is the utilization of a bisection protocol, enabling VITAL operators to challenge SQUAD operators in case of discrepancies. Read More

Moreover, VITAL can seamlessly integrate optimistic Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs into its operations. In such instances, VITAL operators can demand SQUAD operators to create ZK proofs for disputed state roots, bypassing the need for a bisection protocol.

AltLayer Review: VITAL

A distinctive aspect of VITAL is its flexibility to verify intermediate proofs without the necessity of going to an L1 layer. This adaptability adds a layer of efficiency to the verification process. The importance of VITAL is further underscored by its integral role in the Mach AVS, where it serves as a cornerstone for delivering rapid finality.

Unlike traditional rollup sequencers that provide pre-confirmation, VITAL distinguishes itself by offering a level of confirmation that is notably stronger, thanks to its underlying economic backing. This enhanced confirmation not only fortifies the security of the system but also facilitates instant withdrawals of assets.

MACH for Faster Finality

MACH is designed with key objectives in mind, including fast transaction confirmation, robust crypto-economic security against malicious network participants, and compatibility with both Zero-Knowledge (ZK) and optimistic rollups. Moreover, MACH is crafted to be generic enough to support various proof systems and runtimes.

Three State Validity Modes

MACH ensures finality by verifying the validity of a rollup state, ensuring that rollup operators adhere to the state transition function accurately. The network supports three state validity modes, each tailored to address specific challenges.

1. Pessimistic Mode

In this mode, every transaction is initially considered invalid, requiring replay. Rollup operators submit transaction data directly to the MACH network, which then re-executes the transactions, achieving consensus on the validity of the proposed state. While this approach is straightforward, it has a drawback—MACH essentially operates as a network of full nodes for the rollup, demanding substantial node resources. Future work involves developing stateless clients to reduce the node requirements for the rollup.

AltLayer Review: Pessimistic Mode

2. Optimistic Mode

The rollup operator in optimistic mode asserts a state claim on MACH, stating that the execution of a specific block of transactions leads to a particular state commitment. Any node on the MACH network can challenge this claim, initiating a bisection protocol to prove the invalidity of the new state.

AltLayer Review: Pessimistic Mode I

Alternatively, on-demand ZK proofs can replace the bisection protocol, generated only in response to a challenge. This setup assumes the presence of at least one honest node in the MACH network.

AltLayer Review: Pessimistic Mode II

3. Validity Proof Mode

MACH operates as a decentralized verifier network for validity proofs in this mode. The rollup operator commits to a set of transactions, the resulting state, and a validity proof on MACH. The network then verifies and reaches consensus on the proof’s validity. Even with optimistic rollups, any designated prover outside of MACH can generate a proof of validity and submit it to the network, ensuring a robust verification process.

AltLayer Review: Validity Proof Mode

Optimizing Finality

For ZK rollups, the prover can generate and submit proofs more frequently on MACH than on Ethereum, enhancing finality speed. This process doesn’t sacrifice proving work—incremental proofs are sent to MACH in real time, allowing for fast finality while still aggregating into a batch proof for Ethereum.

MACH stands as a promising solution, introducing a versatile approach to address the challenges of slow finality in Ethereum rollups. The three distinct state validity modes offer flexibility and efficiency, ensuring a secure and swift transaction confirmation process for decentralized applications on the Ethereum network.

SQUAD for Decentralised Sequencing

SQUAD, the underlying technology driving this decentralized sequencing, enables nodes operated by EigenLayer AVS operators to express their interest in becoming sequencers for rollups instantiated by AltLayer’s Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS) no-code dashboard. When an end user initiates a rollup request through the RaaS platform, they specify the required number of sequencers, the minimum and maximum economic collateral from each sequencer, and a list of acceptable tokens for collateral.

Crucially, the collateral is staked via EigenLayer and serves as a safeguard against misbehaving sequencers, as it can be slashed in case of non-compliance. Once the specified number of sequencers has met the minimum collateral requirement, they can commence sequencing transactions for the rollup.

AltLayer Review: Requesting an Execution Layer

The architecture of SQUAD itself resembles a network of nodes, open for any EigenLayer AVS operators to join. It functions as a fully-fledged blockchain, incorporating both WebAssembly (WASM) and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) runtimes. These nodes, referred to as validators, operate similarly to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network, participating in the registration of sequencing needs from various rollups and matching them with available sequencers.

Sequencers play a pivotal role in this ecosystem, contributing the minimum required LST stake or implementing a delegated staking mechanism that enables LST holders to stake with the sequencer. The staking process is natively implemented at the AVS contract level, enhancing the efficiency and security of the overall system.

AltLayer Review: Assigning Sequencers to Rollups

To initiate the deployment of a specific type of rollup, such as a flash layer or a persistent layer, developers can register their execution layer request with SQUAD. This is achieved through a smart contract call to ExecutionLayerRegistryContract, an integral component of the SQUAD framework.

Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS)

AltLayer’s Versatile Rollup Stack emerges as a pivotal service for projects delving into Rollup development. This stack encompasses crucial layers, including the Settlement Layer, responsible for processing and authenticating transactions, and the Data Availability Layer, enhancing scalability through efficient data storage.

Notably, the Versatile Rollup Stack enjoys support from prominent projects such as Optimism, Celestia, and EigenLayer, cementing its status as a reliable and community-backed solution for Web3 initiatives.

AltLayer Review: The Remarkable Protocol Supports Rollup Infrastructure 15

For developers and users with minimal coding experience, AltLayer introduces the No-code Dashboard, a revolutionary RaaS service. This user-friendly platform enables the creation of an execution layer, handling transaction execution, in just five minutes. Additionally, the No-code Dashboard offers various components such as sequencers and block gas limits, empowering users to participate in the Web3 ecosystem without the need for extensive coding expertise.

AltLayer’s commitment to accessibility and inclusivity is evident in the development of the No-code Dashboard, providing a bridge for individuals looking to engage with Rollup technology effortlessly.

AltLayer has also unveiled FlashGPT, an AI-powered chatbot application. Tailored to support users in building Rollups and creating smart contracts, FlashGPT signifies AltLayer’s dedication to integrating artificial intelligence into the blockchain development landscape. This chatbot is poised to assist users with inquiries, guidance, and troubleshooting, further enhancing the overall experience of navigating the intricacies of Rollup technology.

AltLayer’s holistic approach to RaaS, coupled with the introduction of FlashGPT, positions the company at the forefront of fostering a more accessible and efficient Web3 development environment. With these groundbreaking solutions, AltLayer continues to contribute significantly to the evolution of blockchain technology.

ALT Token

Key metrics

  • Token name: AltLayer
  • Ticker: ALT
  • Blockchain: Ethereum, BNB Chain
  • Contract:
    • Ethereum: 0x8457CA5040ad67fdebbCC8EdCE889A335Bc0fbFB.
    • BNB Chain: 0x8457CA5040ad67fdebbCC8EdCE889A335Bc0fbFB.
  • Token type: Utility, Governance
  • Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 ALT
  • Circulating Supply: 1,100,000,000 ALT

Use Cases

ALT token holders wield the power to actively participate in pivotal governance decisions within the project. This democratic model ensures that community voices play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of the AltLayer ecosystem.

Operators engaging in services within the AltLayer ecosystem are in for a rewarding experience. ALT tokens serve as a form of appreciation, allowing these operators to earn rewards for their valuable contributions. This innovative incentive mechanism enhances the overall vitality of the ecosystem.

AltLayer introduces a streamlined method for participants to access in-network services – using ALT tokens to cover protocol fees. This not only simplifies transactions but also ensures a harmonious financial ecosystem within the AltLayer network.

Token Allocation

The number of ALT tokens allocated is as follows:

  • Treasury: 21.5%
  • Protocol Development: 20%
  • Investors: 18.5%
  • Team: 15%
  • Ecosystem and Community: 15%
  • Advisors: 5%
  • Binance Launchpool: 5%

Release Schedule

AltLayer Review: The Remarkable Protocol Supports Rollup Infrastructure 16

AltLayer’s Roadmap

  • September 9, 2022: Launch of the game Dark Forest.
  • April 24, 2023: Launching AI chatbot – FlashGPT.
  • August 22, 2023: Introducing the AltLayer Rollup API and SDK toolkit to the community.
  • December 19, 2023: Introducing the Retake Rollup feature.


  • Launched testnet of integrating Arbitrum Orbit with Celestia, Espresso, EigenDA.
  • Launched testnet of Op Stack integration with EigenDA and Avail.
  • ZK Stack support.
  • VITAL, MACH: Launch Testnet with OP Stack support.
  • Launch of ALT token.
  • Airdrop season 1.


  • Launched Testnet of integrating Polygon CDK with alt DA.
  • VITAL, MACH: Launch Mainnet with OP Stack support along with EigenLayer AVS Mainnet.
  • Alt-staking for retaken rollups.
  • VITAL, MACH: Launch Testnet with support from Arbitrum Orbit.


  • Supports non-EVM rollups.
  • VITAL, MACH: Mainnet launch.

AltLayer’s Team

Investors and Partners of AltLayer


AltLayer, a burgeoning blockchain project, has recently secured an impressive capital round, successfully raising a substantial sum of $7.2 million. Notably, this funding initiative witnessed the participation of three prominent investment funds—Polychain Capital, Jump Crypto, and Breyer Capital. In addition to these institutional backers, AltLayer attracted support from notable individual investors, including Gavin Wood and Ryan Selkis.

AltLayer Review: The Remarkable Protocol Supports Rollup Infrastructure 17

The project’s success extends beyond its recent funding triumph, as AltLayer proudly clinched the coveted Binance’s MVB Season VI award. This prestigious recognition aligns AltLayer with other notable projects such as Cashmere and ZKCross, further solidifying its position in the blockchain space.


AltLayer has forged robust partnerships, fostering a resilient ecosystem supported by reputable infrastructure providers and service entities. Among its key partners are EigenLayer, Espresso, Astria, Radius, Celesita, EigenDA, Avail, OP Stack, ZKStack, Arbitrum Orbit, and Polygon CDK. This diverse network also includes service providers like Blockscout, Dexguru, Parsec Finance, Connext, Celer, HyperLane, Transak, and Halliday, among many others.

AltLayer Review: The Remarkable Protocol Supports Rollup Infrastructure 18

Conclusion of AltLayer Review

AltLayer has some pretty big names in the crypto market participating in their network. Through the AltLayer Review article, we hope you have gained more necessary information about this project.


With a passion for untangling the complexities of the financial world, I've spent over four years in financial journalism, covering everything from traditional equities to the cutting edge of venture capital. "The financial markets are a fascinating puzzle," I often say, "and I love helping people make sense of them." That's what drives me to bring clear and insightful financial journalism to the readers of Coincu.

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