How about any belt – NTEAM and the virtual currency TCL have brought investors into the ring?

According to VTV, recently a group called NTEAM called and invited thousands of people to join and spend money investing in a virtual currency called TCL.

How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

Interest rate of 15% / month, corresponds to 180% / year, these are the promises of the NTEAM group when this group attracts attention to call and invite participants.

This team even advertises that the account can be doubled and increased tenfold in a short time if the TCL estimates. The prospect is unrealistic, but due to the greed of the players, this group has attracted tens of thousands of participants in a short period of time.

“Now it’s going to $ 5, then $ 10, then $ 100. I just know what TCL is “, said team leader Tran Van Nam,” in the near future TCL will increase very much, please watch out, prepare the bags and collect money little by little “.

TCL is promoted as an electronic stock of Techcapital Holdings by the NTEAM group, but it is not clear on the website where or whose company that company is. In addition, the so-called electronic shares are presented in the form of coins.

How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

1626327016 8 How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

Group leader Tran Van Nam shares the secret of “think differently – do differently – live differently”, that is, think differently than a person, you know what it is … God knows.

The participants cannot buy and sell themselves either, but have to join in via the NTEAM group in the form of a joint investment. Through this group, the purchase of TCL coins not only enjoys promotions and discounts, but also guarantees the original capital.

“Today one is a 10% bonus, the other is a 100% original guarantee. What is the 10% bonus, if you invest 10,000 you get 11,000 and get 11,000 coins. When I play with myself, the loss rate is almost zero. I know the entry and exit points so you can be sure that I don’t have enough money to guarantee you, but I know that if you win, you can play, “said NTEAM leader Tran Van Nam.

“Play” is also simply advertised. Only the participants have to pay VND to the NTEAM group, then this group sells the TCL coin for approx. 1 TCL = USD 3 – USD 9 depending on the time. Every month the NTEAM team pays 15% interest on TCL for the participants.

“An investment boat costs $ 25,000, so we contribute to each other to invest. I am represented to keep helping people. Every week every TCL receives the strategy to follow the team. Accordingly, we will restore the original in about 3-4 months, ”said the NTEAM team leader.

Billed as only 3-4 months to restore the original, the big win makes tens of thousands of people not needing to know what TCL is, ready to make money right after an online Zoom meeting.

How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

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NTEAM online zoom meeting.

According to the expert, valuable virtual currency must be traded on the world’s major coin exchanges. However, when I tried to search I couldn’t find any TCL trading on any other international exchanges other than the internal trading channel drawn by NTEAM. This begs the question, is this virtual currency created and controlled by the NTEAM group?

“By other people trading and trading in this group, they are fully set up, what price they want, what they want to do is controlled by them so that it cannot be bought and sold outside. Hence, losing or not losing is entirely due to their insiders pulling and controlling the strings and has nothing to do with the market, “said attorney Truong Thanh Duc, director of the Anvi law firm.

On July 15th, 1 TCL coin was only $ 0.3. If only the lowest starting price of USD 3 is expected, the participants’ assets have so far been divided 10 times. And when it is charged $ 9, assume the player has every belt.

Like NTEAM .Scams

Below is Dao Cong Duc’s analysis on the Anti-Crypto Scams Association Facebook group on the way the NTEAM project was defrauded.

Origin: The TRX and Keeping TCL staking projects are referred to as overseas projects founded in the US in 2018, but 02 domains access the project. and Not registered until mid-April 2020, i.e. the new project will start from around May – June 2020.

1626327020 90 How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

How the TRX staking package works: To participate in TRX staking investments, players must deposit in BTC, ETH, USDT or TRX in order to participate in the staking package. The project will collect the initialization fee of 7500 TRX and not return it. The project undertakes to pay a profit of 0.2% / day, 6% / month with the main payments in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th month (15%, 15%, 20%, 20%, 30)%); and bonus amount of TCL depending on the staking package, the Max package is rewarded with 5000 TCL, in addition there is a mechanism for paying commissions via the matrix overflow system and the commission for calling up new players according to the multi-level model , with 12 the corresponding minimum percentage of the profit from the investor’s deposit package is as follows: F1 8%, F2 3% F3 2% F4 1% F5-F12 0.5%; In fact, participating investors (investors) who do not apply the system below will not receive this reward at all.

The actual TRX staking package with investors from July 2020 only pays the capital amount in the 1st and 3rd month from the 6th month, not the original TRX share as promised. The price of TRX rose significantly in the uptrend season, but the investors who participated in the package did not have a TRX for sale. And yet, starting month 10, the project locked TRX out of the system and all investors who topped up TRX and bought the original package were forced to switch to the Keeping TCL package with a conversion price above the internal transaction exchange ($ 10 / 1 TCL, while the highest price of TCL on the internal floor is only $ 7). Therefore, investors who have been participating in TRX staking since July 2020 cannot withdraw the TRX amount initially invested in the project to buy a staking package and must purchase an internal token that is forced to be priced and only used at the internal exchange can be liquidated ( acquired the domain name in August 2020). Information about this token was previously only available in the project’s community and not publicly available on coin websites such as Coingecko or Coinmarketcap.

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The Mechanism of Action of the Keeping TCL Package: After the placement of the TRX staking investors, TCL continues its mission. Using the same mechanism, the player will deposit accordingly in order to buy keeping packages with the amount T: T <$ 1000, $ 1001<25.000$, T>$ 25,001 in profit or 6% / month, 9% / month, 12% / month, 15% / month; Players top up in USDT to buy TCL, to enter the package with the exchange price from time to time (currently $ 10/1 TCL) and to pay interest in TCL.

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With this mechanism, if the TCL price is higher than the conversion price in order to recover capital quickly, it is necessary to sell a lot of TCL => increase the investment package. If the TCL price is lower than the conversion price, the investor must have more tokens than the deposit to make a profit according to USDT => Increase the time to keep the keeping package. At the time of writing, the TCL on the floor was only about $ 0.3, but the parcel-converted price was still stable at almost $ 10/1 TCL. That said, if you invest in it, it must be 30 times the amount to break even, according to the USDT.

Anyone who has been here long enough understands that the value of an internal token traded on the internal exchange is fully controlled by the project team and whether the price goes up sharply or not is due to the inflow of FOMO money. Usually by the time players are about to get into the package, FOMO players will have a quick increase in price to increase volume, and later the price will decrease to increase the time to hold the package . If you want players to stay for a long time, the price will be very low and sometimes pushed up a little so that the players will always have the hope of getting money. When the game ends the token price will be distributed by those who stay, if there are only sellers and no buyers, where is the price?

There are currently a number of products being used in this scam project, but essentially the two things above are all launched to provide super-profitable levels to entice greedy people into depositing money to gamble and falling into traps.

Team role: When everything comes to you for free, you or your wallet are most important. So what did the nteam team do and why did they do it?

NTEAM has:

Building successful human brands and good habits: The executives you see all wear shiny suits, drive beautiful cars, have healthy lifestyles: wake up early, play sports, talk morals on Facebook, share achievements.

1626327023 400 How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

Basically, the workflow would look like this

Build a system of representative offices in many places: the offices are big and beautiful and are updated on social networking channels for a lot of people. The offices develop the system in their area and update the team activities to show the professionalism and potential of the team.

Do good when you have the opportunity to arouse sympathy for the community (volunteering, activities for children, …).

– Offer the community free services: To impart basic knowledge about the market for savers, advice on basic tradecoins => This is the need of the majority of newcomers to the market, especially those who cannot find any information.


Create a community funnel with new investors in the crypto market to follow and trust the team as many numbers as possible (this is known as driving chickens to the coop).

Train the community in the habit of resisting: gratitude to those who give, the idea of ​​investing is risky and long-term (actually, people on the team sometimes cannot define the two words investment themselves), choice is more important than effort ( good luck); First comes a bird of prey that says something nice, then of course the chickens react unconditionally.

Project presentation: Most of the livestreams mention the above-mentioned staking project in addition to free information and knowledge in order to create a psychological effect that arouses the desire to learn and invest in the project.

Introduce successful examples earlier in the project to create the effect that you will regret the opportunity and want to seize the next opportunity when it presents itself.

Sending tips to the community on how to get the most profit on investing in a project or get immediate benefits (marketing is called “bundling”, and farmers like me are “beer sandwich”) TRX is the package above. 500,000 will be rewarded with a trip to Phu Quoc and 5000 TCL, Keeping TCL is a general investment in boat building> $ 25k for the highest profit.

Close the game with attractive suggestions and let the player make their own investment decisions …

How about any belt – NTEAM and the virtual currency TCL have brought investors into the ring?

According to VTV, recently a group called NTEAM called and invited thousands of people to join and spend money investing in a virtual currency called TCL.

How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

Interest rate of 15% / month, corresponds to 180% / year, these are the promises of the NTEAM group when this group attracts attention to call and invite participants.

This team even advertises that the account can be doubled and increased tenfold in a short time if the TCL estimates. The prospect is unrealistic, but due to the greed of the players, this group has attracted tens of thousands of participants in a short period of time.

“Now it’s going to $ 5, then $ 10, then $ 100. I just know what TCL is “, said team leader Tran Van Nam,” in the near future TCL will increase very much, please watch out, prepare the bags and collect money little by little “.

TCL is promoted as an electronic stock of Techcapital Holdings by the NTEAM group, but it is not clear on the website where or whose company that company is. In addition, the so-called electronic shares are presented in the form of coins.

How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

1626327016 8 How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

Group leader Tran Van Nam shares the secret of “think differently – do differently – live differently”, that is, think differently than a person, you know what it is … God knows.

The participants cannot buy and sell themselves either, but have to join in via the NTEAM group in the form of a joint investment. Through this group, the purchase of TCL coins not only enjoys promotions and discounts, but also guarantees the original capital.

“Today one is a 10% bonus, the other is a 100% original guarantee. What is the 10% bonus, if you invest 10,000 you get 11,000 and get 11,000 coins. When I play with myself, the loss rate is almost zero. I know the entry and exit points so you can be sure that I don’t have enough money to guarantee you, but I know that if you win, you can play, “said NTEAM leader Tran Van Nam.

“Play” is also simply advertised. Only the participants have to pay VND to the NTEAM group, then this group sells the TCL coin for approx. 1 TCL = USD 3 – USD 9 depending on the time. Every month the NTEAM team pays 15% interest on TCL for the participants.

“An investment boat costs $ 25,000, so we contribute to each other to invest. I am represented to keep helping people. Every week every TCL receives the strategy to follow the team. Accordingly, we will restore the original in about 3-4 months, ”said the NTEAM team leader.

Billed as only 3-4 months to restore the original, the big win makes tens of thousands of people not needing to know what TCL is, ready to make money right after an online Zoom meeting.

How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

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NTEAM online zoom meeting.

According to the expert, valuable virtual currency must be traded on the world’s major coin exchanges. However, when I tried to search I couldn’t find any TCL trading on any other international exchanges other than the internal trading channel drawn by NTEAM. This begs the question, is this virtual currency created and controlled by the NTEAM group?

“By other people trading and trading in this group, they are fully set up, what price they want, what they want to do is controlled by them so that it cannot be bought and sold outside. Hence, losing or not losing is entirely due to their insiders pulling and controlling the strings and has nothing to do with the market, “said attorney Truong Thanh Duc, director of the Anvi law firm.

On July 15th, 1 TCL coin was only $ 0.3. If only the lowest starting price of USD 3 is expected, the participants’ assets have so far been divided 10 times. And when it is charged $ 9, assume the player has every belt.

Like NTEAM .Scams

Below is Dao Cong Duc’s analysis on the Anti-Crypto Scams Association Facebook group on the way the NTEAM project was defrauded.

Origin: The TRX and Keeping TCL staking projects are referred to as overseas projects founded in the US in 2018, but 02 domains access the project. and Not registered until mid-April 2020, i.e. the new project will start from around May – June 2020.

1626327020 90 How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

How the TRX staking package works: To participate in TRX staking investments, players must deposit in BTC, ETH, USDT or TRX in order to participate in the staking package. The project will collect the initialization fee of 7500 TRX and not return it. The project undertakes to pay a profit of 0.2% / day, 6% / month with the main payments in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th month (15%, 15%, 20%, 20%, 30)%); and bonus amount of TCL depending on the staking package, the Max package is rewarded with 5000 TCL, in addition there is a mechanism for paying commissions via the matrix overflow system and the commission for calling up new players according to the multi-level model , with 12 the corresponding minimum percentage of the profit from the investor’s deposit package is as follows: F1 8%, F2 3% F3 2% F4 1% F5-F12 0.5%; In fact, participating investors (investors) who do not apply the system below will not receive this reward at all.

The actual TRX staking package with investors from July 2020 only pays the capital amount in the 1st and 3rd month from the 6th month, not the original TRX share as promised. The price of TRX rose significantly in the uptrend season, but the investors who participated in the package did not have a TRX for sale. And yet, starting month 10, the project locked TRX out of the system and all investors who topped up TRX and bought the original package were forced to switch to the Keeping TCL package with a conversion price above the internal transaction exchange ($ 10 / 1 TCL, while the highest price of TCL on the internal floor is only $ 7). Therefore, investors who have been participating in TRX staking since July 2020 cannot withdraw the TRX amount initially invested in the project to buy a staking package and must purchase an internal token that is forced to be priced and only used at the internal exchange can be liquidated ( acquired the domain name in August 2020). Information about this token was previously only available in the project’s community and not publicly available on coin websites such as Coingecko or Coinmarketcap.

1626327020 690 How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

The Mechanism of Action of the Keeping TCL Package: After the placement of the TRX staking investors, TCL continues its mission. Using the same mechanism, the player will deposit accordingly in order to buy keeping packages with the amount T: T <$ 1000, $ 1001<25.000$, T>$ 25,001 in profit or 6% / month, 9% / month, 12% / month, 15% / month; Players top up in USDT to buy TCL, to enter the package with the exchange price from time to time (currently $ 10/1 TCL) and to pay interest in TCL.

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1626327022 832 How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

With this mechanism, if the TCL price is higher than the conversion price in order to recover capital quickly, it is necessary to sell a lot of TCL => increase the investment package. If the TCL price is lower than the conversion price, the investor must have more tokens than the deposit to make a profit according to USDT => Increase the time to keep the keeping package. At the time of writing, the TCL on the floor was only about $ 0.3, but the parcel-converted price was still stable at almost $ 10/1 TCL. That said, if you invest in it, it must be 30 times the amount to break even, according to the USDT.

Anyone who has been here long enough understands that the value of an internal token traded on the internal exchange is fully controlled by the project team and whether the price goes up sharply or not is due to the inflow of FOMO money. Usually by the time players are about to get into the package, FOMO players will have a quick increase in price to increase volume, and later the price will decrease to increase the time to hold the package . If you want players to stay for a long time, the price will be very low and sometimes pushed up a little so that the players will always have the hope of getting money. When the game ends the token price will be distributed by those who stay, if there are only sellers and no buyers, where is the price?

There are currently a number of products being used in this scam project, but essentially the two things above are all launched to provide super-profitable levels to entice greedy people into depositing money to gamble and falling into traps.

Team role: When everything comes to you for free, you or your wallet are most important. So what did the nteam team do and why did they do it?

NTEAM has:

Building successful human brands and good habits: The executives you see all wear shiny suits, drive beautiful cars, have healthy lifestyles: wake up early, play sports, talk morals on Facebook, share achievements.

1626327023 400 How about any belt NTEAM and the virtual currency

Basically, the workflow would look like this

Build a system of representative offices in many places: the offices are big and beautiful and are updated on social networking channels for a lot of people. The offices develop the system in their area and update the team activities to show the professionalism and potential of the team.

Do good when you have the opportunity to arouse sympathy for the community (volunteering, activities for children, …).

– Offer the community free services: To impart basic knowledge about the market for savers, advice on basic tradecoins => This is the need of the majority of newcomers to the market, especially those who cannot find any information.


Create a community funnel with new investors in the crypto market to follow and trust the team as many numbers as possible (this is known as driving chickens to the coop).

Train the community in the habit of resisting: gratitude to those who give, the idea of ​​investing is risky and long-term (actually, people on the team sometimes cannot define the two words investment themselves), choice is more important than effort ( good luck); First comes a bird of prey that says something nice, then of course the chickens react unconditionally.

Project presentation: Most of the livestreams mention the above-mentioned staking project in addition to free information and knowledge in order to create a psychological effect that arouses the desire to learn and invest in the project.

Introduce successful examples earlier in the project to create the effect that you will regret the opportunity and want to seize the next opportunity when it presents itself.

Sending tips to the community on how to get the most profit on investing in a project or get immediate benefits (marketing is called “bundling”, and farmers like me are “beer sandwich”) TRX is the package above. 500,000 will be rewarded with a trip to Phu Quoc and 5000 TCL, Keeping TCL is a general investment in boat building> $ 25k for the highest profit.

Close the game with attractive suggestions and let the player make their own investment decisions …

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