Quick Overview: Defi Kingdoms. A brilliant new concept in Harmony One eco-system that is unlike any other project.

For the first time since 2015, there is enormous energy surrounding the project DeFi Kingdoms (DFK).

Overview: Defi Kingdoms

DeFi Kingdoms is a game, a DEX, a liquidity pool opportunity, a market of rare utility-driven NFTs, and it all plays out seamlessly in the incredibly nostalgic form of fantasy pixel art. DFK is built and traded on the Harmony ONE platform, using the UniswapV2 Protocol. Secure, fast, and with extremely low trading fees, users will be able to earn rewards in no time. At its heart, DeFi Kingdoms has a decentralized exchange that uses the tried-and-true UniswapV2 Protocol. Investing is one of the main reasons the team is drawn to blockchain technology and they want to make the investing experience fun and enjoyable for all within the kingdom.

From the Market, you can swap tokens at the current exchange rates. You can also become a Liquidity Provider by adding liquidity to any token pools you’d like. These will earn you fees any time anyone trades those tokens. Alternatively, these LP tokens can also be staked in the Gardens to earn JEWEL rewards.


The team is a big fans of the innovation happening in DeFi and in blockchain technology in general, but they have been waiting for a DeFi project to really embrace the full potential of the blockchain in game form. Investing and getting those sweet returns and moon shots is undoubtedly fun, but why can’t it feel more like a game? Why can’t they build an operation and level it up to increase returns? Why can’t they do daily quests to collect rare NFTs that actually augment and impact the rewards and returns? Once they decided it needed to be built, they jumped headfirst into production, and DeFi Kingdoms was born.

They wanted a DEX that allows holders to not just hold a monetary token, but own a token that is usable, valuable, and that gives back to holders in many fun ways. They have packaged DeFi elements into a fun and synergistic game, providing JEWEL token holders with an engaging and meaningful experience. They are here for the long term, planning features for phases soon to come, and some a little further down the road to set this community and project up for maximum awesomeness.


Much of the gameplay in DeFi Kingdoms is centered around Heroes, the utility-based NFTs that can gather resources with Professions and will eventually be able to participate in combat quests and even PVP. You can visit the Tavern to buy Heroes and you can learn more about what makes each Hero unique in the Heroes section of this guide.


Heroes in DeFi Kingdoms are utility-based NFTs with a variety of uses. Heroes can be paired to Summon more Heroes, whose classes, stats, and rarity are partially determined by the two Heroes used to infuse the Summoning Crystal. Heroes can engage in Professions Quests to earn JEWEL and in-game resources, as well as increases to the relevant profession skill and experience toward the next Hero level. Once Heroes reach an experience threshold, they can level up at the Meditation Circle.Eventually, Heroes will be able to participate in further Quests to gain loot and experience, including PVE quests in which they battle enemies.The Tavern hosts the NFT Agent, who can assist with buying and selling Heroes, as well as renting them out for use in the Summoning Portal.

Defi Kingdoms


Resources found from profession quests have various purposes. For example, some fish can be used to produce potions to use in adventure quests. Other things, such as pet eggs, can be used to hatch a pet companion (NFT). Generally, all things can be sold for gold, which can then be used to buy certain items, or swapped through Trader Matoya for JEWEL. Some of these features will not be available immediately, but once they are you will be glad that you held on to that Sailfish or Rockroot.


The Jeweler is a place to stake JEWEL tokens for rewards which come from fee sharing. When you deposit your JEWEL with the Jeweler, you receive xJEWEL in exchange at a ratio that can be found in the Teller’s menu. The ratio of xJEWEL to JEWEL grows over time. When you withdraw, you receive JEWEL in exchange at the current ratio. Since this ratio never decreases, you can never receive less JEWEL when you withdraw from the Jeweler than you deposited. You can deposit and withdraw at any time, with no fees.


The sacred Portal is the location where new are Summoned (breeding) from Gaia’s Inner Grove.

Summoning requires two Heroes, whose genetics impact what kind of new Hero will emerge. The class and subclass of both these Heroes, along with their stats, rarity, and main profession are passed to the new Hero, although mutations can occur that lead to unexpected results.


The Tavern is the place to visit if you want to purchase or sell Heroes, rent your Hero for Summoning, send a Hero to a friend, or view the Hero Catalog. Barkeep Kessing allows you to view an individual Hero by Hero # or to view the full Hero Catalog. Additionally, he hosts a Send Hero function that allows you to send a Hero directly to an 0x address, provided that address has a DeFi Kingdoms profile associated with it.


The Marketplace is the center of commerce in DeFi Kingdoms. Trader Matoya is the face of our DEX, where players can trade tokens on the Harmony blockchain. Almost all new players will visit Matoya to exchange other tokens for JEWEL, and players will often trade tokens to make seeds or to facilitate a multitude of investment strategies.

Speaking of seeds, Druid Lazarus is found in the Marketplace as well. He assists with making seeds (LP tokens) that represent a share in a liquidity pool. These seeds can then be planted in the Gardens to start earning rewards from incentivized liquidity pools. A list of incentivized pools, their reward allocation, and their balances is found in the Gardens at the Seed Box, so players will often move back and forth between the Gardens and Marketplace as they decide which specific gardens to invest in, trade tokens, buy seeds, and deposit them in the seed box.


DeFi Kingdoms will continue to grow with new features, systems, maps, and cross-chain expansions. The roadmap below indicates the expected milestones in development.


Token Metrics

The JEWEL token is much more than your average crypto token. The team is establishing it to be the main token of value in our game, DeFi Kingdoms. Users use it to purchase the most useful items and unique NFTs such as Heroes and Kingdoms in the game, as well as various in-game buffs such as speeding up build times and refreshing stamina. Not only is the token used for in-game items and one-of-a-kind NFTs, but it will also be used in liquidity mining, allowing users to earn even more through staking. JEWEL is also a governance token, so holders will have a say in the growth and evolution of the project.

  • Token Name: DeFi Kingdoms.
  • Ticker: JEWEL.
  • Blockchain: Harmony.
  • Token Standard: HRC
  • Contract: 0x72cb10c6bfa5624dd07ef608027e366bd690048f
  • Token Type: Governance.
  • Total Supply: 500,000,000 JEWEL
  • Circulating Supply: 63,437,965 JEWEL.

Token Allocation & Token Release Schedule

  • The 10,000,000 JEWEL tokens will be be pre-minted and distributed as follows:
  • 5,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated to fund the future development of the game. These tokens will be time-locked and release over a set schedule as features are completed.
  • 2,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for promotion of the project, including marketing, airdrops, etc. These tokens are also time-locked to release slowly over the next few years, to ensure that there are always funds available to market the game and acquire new players and investors.
  • 2,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for initial liquidity. These tokens will be matched with ONE tokens to form the initial liquidity pool and will not be withdrawn or sold.
  • 1,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for bounties and hours for the founding team based on their work towards launch. Half of these will be awarded at launch, and the other half will vest over time.


Partners & Investors



  • DFK is properly positioned at the forefront of an emerging mega-trend; The metaverse.
  • To date there has not been a blockchain game that is both highly successful and achieved mass adoption while operating across multiple blockchains. There is a vacancy here worth many billions that begs occupation.
  • Too many metaverse games are in the works that are already sitting on billion of dollars and have yet to produce anything but defi Kingdoms is on another level.
  • DFK has introduced NFT functionality that’s a first in the space and broadened the definition of what an NFT even is.
  • The team is delivering and has great communication with the community.
  • The roadmap is massively ambitious with plans for kingdom warfare and PvP guilds facing off across blockchains.
  • Token economics are brilliantly planned and executed with the help of former Goldman Sachs VP DreamerDFK.
  • Every major game is totally broken right now and DFK has the solution.

Find more information about Defi Kingdoms

Website: https://defikingdoms.com/

Whitepaper: https://docs.defikingdoms.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefiKingdoms

Telegram: https://t.me/defikingdoms

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email ventures@coincu.com.

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


Coincu Ventures

Quick Overview: Defi Kingdoms. A brilliant new concept in Harmony One eco-system that is unlike any other project.

For the first time since 2015, there is enormous energy surrounding the project DeFi Kingdoms (DFK).

Overview: Defi Kingdoms

DeFi Kingdoms is a game, a DEX, a liquidity pool opportunity, a market of rare utility-driven NFTs, and it all plays out seamlessly in the incredibly nostalgic form of fantasy pixel art. DFK is built and traded on the Harmony ONE platform, using the UniswapV2 Protocol. Secure, fast, and with extremely low trading fees, users will be able to earn rewards in no time. At its heart, DeFi Kingdoms has a decentralized exchange that uses the tried-and-true UniswapV2 Protocol. Investing is one of the main reasons the team is drawn to blockchain technology and they want to make the investing experience fun and enjoyable for all within the kingdom.

From the Market, you can swap tokens at the current exchange rates. You can also become a Liquidity Provider by adding liquidity to any token pools you’d like. These will earn you fees any time anyone trades those tokens. Alternatively, these LP tokens can also be staked in the Gardens to earn JEWEL rewards.


The team is a big fans of the innovation happening in DeFi and in blockchain technology in general, but they have been waiting for a DeFi project to really embrace the full potential of the blockchain in game form. Investing and getting those sweet returns and moon shots is undoubtedly fun, but why can’t it feel more like a game? Why can’t they build an operation and level it up to increase returns? Why can’t they do daily quests to collect rare NFTs that actually augment and impact the rewards and returns? Once they decided it needed to be built, they jumped headfirst into production, and DeFi Kingdoms was born.

They wanted a DEX that allows holders to not just hold a monetary token, but own a token that is usable, valuable, and that gives back to holders in many fun ways. They have packaged DeFi elements into a fun and synergistic game, providing JEWEL token holders with an engaging and meaningful experience. They are here for the long term, planning features for phases soon to come, and some a little further down the road to set this community and project up for maximum awesomeness.


Much of the gameplay in DeFi Kingdoms is centered around Heroes, the utility-based NFTs that can gather resources with Professions and will eventually be able to participate in combat quests and even PVP. You can visit the Tavern to buy Heroes and you can learn more about what makes each Hero unique in the Heroes section of this guide.


Heroes in DeFi Kingdoms are utility-based NFTs with a variety of uses. Heroes can be paired to Summon more Heroes, whose classes, stats, and rarity are partially determined by the two Heroes used to infuse the Summoning Crystal. Heroes can engage in Professions Quests to earn JEWEL and in-game resources, as well as increases to the relevant profession skill and experience toward the next Hero level. Once Heroes reach an experience threshold, they can level up at the Meditation Circle.Eventually, Heroes will be able to participate in further Quests to gain loot and experience, including PVE quests in which they battle enemies.The Tavern hosts the NFT Agent, who can assist with buying and selling Heroes, as well as renting them out for use in the Summoning Portal.

Defi Kingdoms


Resources found from profession quests have various purposes. For example, some fish can be used to produce potions to use in adventure quests. Other things, such as pet eggs, can be used to hatch a pet companion (NFT). Generally, all things can be sold for gold, which can then be used to buy certain items, or swapped through Trader Matoya for JEWEL. Some of these features will not be available immediately, but once they are you will be glad that you held on to that Sailfish or Rockroot.


The Jeweler is a place to stake JEWEL tokens for rewards which come from fee sharing. When you deposit your JEWEL with the Jeweler, you receive xJEWEL in exchange at a ratio that can be found in the Teller’s menu. The ratio of xJEWEL to JEWEL grows over time. When you withdraw, you receive JEWEL in exchange at the current ratio. Since this ratio never decreases, you can never receive less JEWEL when you withdraw from the Jeweler than you deposited. You can deposit and withdraw at any time, with no fees.


The sacred Portal is the location where new are Summoned (breeding) from Gaia’s Inner Grove.

Summoning requires two Heroes, whose genetics impact what kind of new Hero will emerge. The class and subclass of both these Heroes, along with their stats, rarity, and main profession are passed to the new Hero, although mutations can occur that lead to unexpected results.


The Tavern is the place to visit if you want to purchase or sell Heroes, rent your Hero for Summoning, send a Hero to a friend, or view the Hero Catalog. Barkeep Kessing allows you to view an individual Hero by Hero # or to view the full Hero Catalog. Additionally, he hosts a Send Hero function that allows you to send a Hero directly to an 0x address, provided that address has a DeFi Kingdoms profile associated with it.


The Marketplace is the center of commerce in DeFi Kingdoms. Trader Matoya is the face of our DEX, where players can trade tokens on the Harmony blockchain. Almost all new players will visit Matoya to exchange other tokens for JEWEL, and players will often trade tokens to make seeds or to facilitate a multitude of investment strategies.

Speaking of seeds, Druid Lazarus is found in the Marketplace as well. He assists with making seeds (LP tokens) that represent a share in a liquidity pool. These seeds can then be planted in the Gardens to start earning rewards from incentivized liquidity pools. A list of incentivized pools, their reward allocation, and their balances is found in the Gardens at the Seed Box, so players will often move back and forth between the Gardens and Marketplace as they decide which specific gardens to invest in, trade tokens, buy seeds, and deposit them in the seed box.


DeFi Kingdoms will continue to grow with new features, systems, maps, and cross-chain expansions. The roadmap below indicates the expected milestones in development.


Token Metrics

The JEWEL token is much more than your average crypto token. The team is establishing it to be the main token of value in our game, DeFi Kingdoms. Users use it to purchase the most useful items and unique NFTs such as Heroes and Kingdoms in the game, as well as various in-game buffs such as speeding up build times and refreshing stamina. Not only is the token used for in-game items and one-of-a-kind NFTs, but it will also be used in liquidity mining, allowing users to earn even more through staking. JEWEL is also a governance token, so holders will have a say in the growth and evolution of the project.

  • Token Name: DeFi Kingdoms.
  • Ticker: JEWEL.
  • Blockchain: Harmony.
  • Token Standard: HRC
  • Contract: 0x72cb10c6bfa5624dd07ef608027e366bd690048f
  • Token Type: Governance.
  • Total Supply: 500,000,000 JEWEL
  • Circulating Supply: 63,437,965 JEWEL.

Token Allocation & Token Release Schedule

  • The 10,000,000 JEWEL tokens will be be pre-minted and distributed as follows:
  • 5,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated to fund the future development of the game. These tokens will be time-locked and release over a set schedule as features are completed.
  • 2,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for promotion of the project, including marketing, airdrops, etc. These tokens are also time-locked to release slowly over the next few years, to ensure that there are always funds available to market the game and acquire new players and investors.
  • 2,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for initial liquidity. These tokens will be matched with ONE tokens to form the initial liquidity pool and will not be withdrawn or sold.
  • 1,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for bounties and hours for the founding team based on their work towards launch. Half of these will be awarded at launch, and the other half will vest over time.


Partners & Investors



  • DFK is properly positioned at the forefront of an emerging mega-trend; The metaverse.
  • To date there has not been a blockchain game that is both highly successful and achieved mass adoption while operating across multiple blockchains. There is a vacancy here worth many billions that begs occupation.
  • Too many metaverse games are in the works that are already sitting on billion of dollars and have yet to produce anything but defi Kingdoms is on another level.
  • DFK has introduced NFT functionality that’s a first in the space and broadened the definition of what an NFT even is.
  • The team is delivering and has great communication with the community.
  • The roadmap is massively ambitious with plans for kingdom warfare and PvP guilds facing off across blockchains.
  • Token economics are brilliantly planned and executed with the help of former Goldman Sachs VP DreamerDFK.
  • Every major game is totally broken right now and DFK has the solution.

Find more information about Defi Kingdoms

Website: https://defikingdoms.com/

Whitepaper: https://docs.defikingdoms.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefiKingdoms

Telegram: https://t.me/defikingdoms

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email ventures@coincu.com.

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


Coincu Ventures

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