ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

ONTO Wallet reviews stands out as a pioneering decentralized cross-chain wallet, providing users with a comprehensive solution to oversee their digital identities, data, and digital assets. The platform’s unique selling point lies in its capability to seamlessly operate across different blockchain networks, enabling users to access and manage their diverse blockchain-related activities in one place.
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

About ONTO Wallet

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

ONTO Wallet serves as a gateway for a seamless experience within the Web3 environment, utilizing Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). It offers an all-in-one solution for securely overseeing your identities, data, and digital assets. Through ONTO, you can effectively manage your cryptocurrency holdings, including Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), conduct cross-chain swaps, effortlessly access diverse decentralized applications (dApps), and stay updated with real-time information via the ONTO news feed.

With the ONTO Wallet, users gain the ability to establish an ONT ID, which functions as a decentralized digital identity. This ONT ID facilitates the easy creation and management of wallet addresses across multiple blockchain networks with just one click. Importantly, user privacy is safeguarded through robust encryption algorithms that fully protect sensitive personal data.

Individuals across the globe can readily download the ONTO Wallet from onto.app or their respective mobile app stores. Additionally, desktop users have the option to install the ONTO Web Wallet extension for their web browsers, expanding the accessibility and functionality of the platform.

How does ONTO Wallet work? 

ONTO Wallet operates as a comprehensive tool for managing various aspects of your blockchain experience, including decentralized identities, digital assets, and interactions with decentralized applications (dApps). Here’s an overview of how ONTO Wallet works:

  1. Decentralized Identity (DID) Creation and Management: ONTO Wallet allows users to create and manage Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), which are self-sovereign digital identities. These DIDs enable secure and private interactions in the digital realm. Users can create an ONT ID within the wallet, which serves as their unique identifier across multiple blockchain networks. The wallet employs encryption algorithms to protect sensitive personal information associated with the ONT ID.
  2. Multi-Chain Wallet Address Creation: ONTO Wallet simplifies the process of managing wallet addresses across different blockchain networks. With just one click, users can generate wallet addresses for various chains. This streamlines the user experience and eliminates the need to manually create and manage addresses on different blockchains.
  3. Digital Asset Management: Users can securely store and manage their cryptocurrency holdings, including various tokens and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), within ONTO Wallet. The wallet provides a user-friendly interface for tracking, sending, and receiving digital assets.
  4. Cross-Chain Swaps: ONTO Wallet facilitates cross-chain swaps, allowing users to exchange assets between different blockchain networks without the need for centralized exchanges. This feature enhances liquidity and enables users to access a wider range of assets.
  5. Decentralized Application (dApp) Access: ONTO Wallet provides easy access to a variety of decentralized applications (dApps) directly from within the wallet interface. Users can interact with blockchain-based applications without the hassle of managing separate accounts or private keys for each dApp.
  6. Real-Time Information via News Feed: The ONTO news feed keeps users informed about important updates, events, and developments in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. This feature ensures that users stay up-to-date with relevant information.
  7. Security and Privacy: ONTO Wallet places a strong emphasis on security and privacy. It employs encryption algorithms to protect user data and personal information. Private keys and sensitive data remain under the user’s control, enhancing the overall security of the wallet.
  8. Accessibility: ONTO Wallet is available for download on mobile devices through app stores and can also be installed as a browser extension for desktop users. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users regardless of their preferred device.

ONTO Wallet offers a user-friendly and secure platform for managing decentralized identities, digital assets, and interactions within the blockchain ecosystem. It simplifies the process of interacting with various blockchain networks and dApps, all while prioritizing user privacy and security.

Key Features of ONTO Wallet

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Aiming for a seamless Web3 experience and lowering the entry barrier for new users, ONTO Wallet has optimized its UX in the following aspects:

1)ONT ID — Your Passport to Web3

In the Web2 world, the digital identity is confined to each social platform where

users have to have multiple identities across different platforms. The owner of the account generates personal information and data on every single platform, which are collected and controlled by tech giants who will then monetize it. In other words, users in Web2 have multiple digital identities which are neither synced up with each other, nor own and control their own data.

Web3 promises to shift this paradigm by giving data ownership back to users. In the Web3 world, users are allowed to create a single decentralized identity which is interoperable. All the on-chain behaviors and activities around a ‘Web3 citizen’ are attached to a single decentralized identity, A.K.A DID, generally referred to as Decentralized Identity, an extension and expansion of the Web2 user profile concept in Web3.

Online users require a plethora of accounts to access different services in Web2. In stark contrast, thanks to ONTO’s unique ONT ID decentralizedl identity and data system, you can access a variety of dApps alongside features of the wider Web3 ecosystem with just a single ONT ID. ONT ID is your passport to the Web3 world. Users can use their ONT ID to control on-chain assets and manage identity data, so as to better protect their data privacy.

2)Improve Human Readability with Domain Name Solutions

When you enter Web3, you’re given a 42-character hexadecimal address. Domain name solution adds human readability and character to such address.

ONTO integrates solutions with domain names like FIO Crypto Handles and Unstoppable Domains. These one-of-a-kind solutions can turn a long and conplicated string of wallet addresses into human-readable domain names, which you can use to access Web3 dApps in ONTO and come with multi-chain support.

3)Multi-Chain Wallet

One concept which can be difficult for new users to wrap their heads around is that, out of the over tens of thousands cryptocurrencies available for purchase right now, they are not all supported by the same wallets. Ethereum-based wallets like MetaMask cannot accept Bitcoin, let alone dozens of different kinds of public chains out there and their own blockchain-enabled wallets, creating an obstacle to novice buyers, traders and investors alike.

In addition to its unique DID system, ONTO also functions as a multi-chain wallet with more than 40 blockchains available. In practice, users can manage all of their digital assets in one place, from tokens to NFTs, and private data.

To date, ONTO supports more than 40 public blockchains including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Ontology, Polkadot, Polygon, etc.

4)Access over 1000 DApps and NFT Collections

ONTO Wallet allows users to display, send or receive and even trade NFTs without going to an NFT marketplace. Furthermore, ONTO also provides seamless access to over 1,000 dApps. Users can switch addresses of other chains within the dApp without repeatedly switching tabs, offering a much better user experience. With more than 1,000 dApps easily accessible in ONTO, all users can find their niche.

5)Native Swap and Bridge

ONTO offers in-app native Swap and Bridge features, allowing you to swap assets with the optimal exchange rate instantly and directly within the wallet, powered by OpenOcean and PolyNetwork.

6)Address Scan for Token and NFT Detection

ONTO also comes with a unique address scan feature that can automatically detect and add digital assets and NFTs with balances in your addresses in real-time. Since ONTO has integrated the token prices and information on CoinMarketCap, you can find real-time token-fiat prices and detailed information about the projects and tokens at ease.

With this feature, users aren’t required to add assets manually and don’t have to worry about forgetting their assets.

7) Security and Safety First

Security issues matters more in Web3 than in Web2 since security risks are more about assets in Web3. Once a hack happens, it can lead to millions of dollars losses. And in the context of such a decentralized space, there is no recourse for any loss from such transactions. So Web3 security must be more proactive and prevention-oriented than Web2 security.

With this in mind, safety and security is a top priority for ONTO Wallet. As ONTO is a decentralized wallet, it does not store any data. This makes the wallet immune to external attacks.

By integrating with multiple security API services powered by GoPlus , ONTO Wallet automatically detects security risk and triggers alerts for users in the process of token transfer and trading, NFT trading, and dApp approvals.

How to Set Up Your ONTO Wallet?

Step 1. Download and Install ONTO

Go to https://ont.app and scroll down to the bottom for download options.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

iOS Users

If your Apple ID is registered outside of China, download ONTO via the Apple Store.

If your Apple ID is registered in China, download ONTO via the TestFlight App.

Android Users

If your Google Play account is registered outside of China, download ONTO via the Google Play store.

If your Google Play account is registered in China, download the ONTO APK from the website.

Step 2. Create Your ONT ID
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Open ONTO, set a wallet name and password, and click the arrow button to create your ONT ID.

Please note that the wallet name should be kept within 12 characters, and the password within 15 characters. Neither the wallet name nor the password can contain a blank space.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Input your mobile number or email address, and click “Confirm” to bind your ONT ID with your mobile or email. You can also click “Later” to bind at a later time more convenient for you.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

After you’ve successfully created your ONT ID, click “Back up now” to back up your mnemonic phrase.

You can also click “Back up later” to back up at a time more convenient for you.

Step 3. Using ONTO to Receive ONT Transfers
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Open ONTO and go to the “Assets” page. Select ONT from the assets list to go to the ONT page.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Click “Receive” in the lower right corner.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

You can transfer ONT to this account by copying the address or scanning the QR code.

NFT Marketplace

NFT Marketplace Section Overview

Open the NFT Marketplace
  • Open ONTO, click “NFT” to open the “NFT” page
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
My Cart
  • Click the cart icon to jump to the “My Cart” page
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Search for NFTs
  • Click the search icon to jump to the search interface
  • Enter NFT, NFT collection name or contract address for NFT collection and NFT search
  • Click “NFTs“, you can switch to the NFTs list interface
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Delete Search History
  • Click the delete icon
  • Click “Confirm” to delete search history
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
View NFT Details
  • Click on the cover of the NFT collection you want to view, and you can enter the NFT collection page to view the NFT collection information
  • Click on the NFT you want to view to enter the NFT details page
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Click the share icon to share the NFT as a picture to social platforms Twitter, Telegram and Facebook.
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Check Purchase History
  • Click the clock icon to jump to the historical transaction record interface
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • You can view the recommended NFT collections under the Recommended section
  • Click “Popular” or “New” to view the corresponding NFT collection
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Click the time dimension button to view the NFT transaction volume rankings in the corresponding time period
  • Click “Volume” to switch the sorting order
  • Click “Floor Price” to switch the sorting order
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Pull down and click “View More” to view more ranking data

Buy NFTs

Add NFT to cart
  • Click on the cover of the NFT collection you want to buy to enter the NFT collection
  • Click the cart icon on the NFT you want to buy to add the NFT to the cart
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Or, if you want to check the NFT details first, you can click the NFT you want to buy to enter the NFT details page
  • Then click the cart icon on the NFT you want to buy, you can also add the NFT to the shopping cart
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Manage My Cart
Check the shopping cart
  • Click the cart icon to jump to the “My Cart” interface
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Delete purchases
  • Swipe left on the purchase you want to delete
  • Click “Delete” to delete purchased items
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Clear Cart
  • Click the delete icon
  • Click the “Confirm” button in the pop-up window to clear your cart
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Buy NFTs
  • Click “Buy Now” to jump to the confirmation purchase interface
  • Click “Check for details” to view purchase item
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Click “Confirm” to jump to the Confirm Purchase interface
  • Click the “Confirm” button in the confirmation transaction pop-up window, enter the password to purchase
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
View transaction history
  • Click the clock icon to jump to the transaction record interface
  • Click on the record you want to view to view the transaction details


ONTO Wallet represents a significant advancement in the world of blockchain and digital asset management. As the first decentralized cross-chain wallet of its kind, ONTO offers users a comprehensive and secure solution for managing their digital identities, data, and various digital assets.

By leveraging the Ontology blockchain, ONTO Wallet enables users to create decentralized digital identities that prioritize privacy and security through encryption algorithms. This empowers users with greater control over their personal information in an increasingly digital world.

The wallet’s intuitive user interface and multi-chain support simplify the complexities of interacting with different blockchain networks. ONTO’s inclusion of features like cross-chain swaps, direct access to decentralized applications, and real-time news updates enhances the overall user experience, providing a one-stop platform for various blockchain-related activities.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

ONTO Wallet reviews stands out as a pioneering decentralized cross-chain wallet, providing users with a comprehensive solution to oversee their digital identities, data, and digital assets. The platform’s unique selling point lies in its capability to seamlessly operate across different blockchain networks, enabling users to access and manage their diverse blockchain-related activities in one place.
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

About ONTO Wallet

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

ONTO Wallet serves as a gateway for a seamless experience within the Web3 environment, utilizing Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). It offers an all-in-one solution for securely overseeing your identities, data, and digital assets. Through ONTO, you can effectively manage your cryptocurrency holdings, including Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), conduct cross-chain swaps, effortlessly access diverse decentralized applications (dApps), and stay updated with real-time information via the ONTO news feed.

With the ONTO Wallet, users gain the ability to establish an ONT ID, which functions as a decentralized digital identity. This ONT ID facilitates the easy creation and management of wallet addresses across multiple blockchain networks with just one click. Importantly, user privacy is safeguarded through robust encryption algorithms that fully protect sensitive personal data.

Individuals across the globe can readily download the ONTO Wallet from onto.app or their respective mobile app stores. Additionally, desktop users have the option to install the ONTO Web Wallet extension for their web browsers, expanding the accessibility and functionality of the platform.

How does ONTO Wallet work? 

ONTO Wallet operates as a comprehensive tool for managing various aspects of your blockchain experience, including decentralized identities, digital assets, and interactions with decentralized applications (dApps). Here’s an overview of how ONTO Wallet works:

  1. Decentralized Identity (DID) Creation and Management: ONTO Wallet allows users to create and manage Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), which are self-sovereign digital identities. These DIDs enable secure and private interactions in the digital realm. Users can create an ONT ID within the wallet, which serves as their unique identifier across multiple blockchain networks. The wallet employs encryption algorithms to protect sensitive personal information associated with the ONT ID.
  2. Multi-Chain Wallet Address Creation: ONTO Wallet simplifies the process of managing wallet addresses across different blockchain networks. With just one click, users can generate wallet addresses for various chains. This streamlines the user experience and eliminates the need to manually create and manage addresses on different blockchains.
  3. Digital Asset Management: Users can securely store and manage their cryptocurrency holdings, including various tokens and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), within ONTO Wallet. The wallet provides a user-friendly interface for tracking, sending, and receiving digital assets.
  4. Cross-Chain Swaps: ONTO Wallet facilitates cross-chain swaps, allowing users to exchange assets between different blockchain networks without the need for centralized exchanges. This feature enhances liquidity and enables users to access a wider range of assets.
  5. Decentralized Application (dApp) Access: ONTO Wallet provides easy access to a variety of decentralized applications (dApps) directly from within the wallet interface. Users can interact with blockchain-based applications without the hassle of managing separate accounts or private keys for each dApp.
  6. Real-Time Information via News Feed: The ONTO news feed keeps users informed about important updates, events, and developments in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. This feature ensures that users stay up-to-date with relevant information.
  7. Security and Privacy: ONTO Wallet places a strong emphasis on security and privacy. It employs encryption algorithms to protect user data and personal information. Private keys and sensitive data remain under the user’s control, enhancing the overall security of the wallet.
  8. Accessibility: ONTO Wallet is available for download on mobile devices through app stores and can also be installed as a browser extension for desktop users. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users regardless of their preferred device.

ONTO Wallet offers a user-friendly and secure platform for managing decentralized identities, digital assets, and interactions within the blockchain ecosystem. It simplifies the process of interacting with various blockchain networks and dApps, all while prioritizing user privacy and security.

Key Features of ONTO Wallet

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Aiming for a seamless Web3 experience and lowering the entry barrier for new users, ONTO Wallet has optimized its UX in the following aspects:

1)ONT ID — Your Passport to Web3

In the Web2 world, the digital identity is confined to each social platform where

users have to have multiple identities across different platforms. The owner of the account generates personal information and data on every single platform, which are collected and controlled by tech giants who will then monetize it. In other words, users in Web2 have multiple digital identities which are neither synced up with each other, nor own and control their own data.

Web3 promises to shift this paradigm by giving data ownership back to users. In the Web3 world, users are allowed to create a single decentralized identity which is interoperable. All the on-chain behaviors and activities around a ‘Web3 citizen’ are attached to a single decentralized identity, A.K.A DID, generally referred to as Decentralized Identity, an extension and expansion of the Web2 user profile concept in Web3.

Online users require a plethora of accounts to access different services in Web2. In stark contrast, thanks to ONTO’s unique ONT ID decentralizedl identity and data system, you can access a variety of dApps alongside features of the wider Web3 ecosystem with just a single ONT ID. ONT ID is your passport to the Web3 world. Users can use their ONT ID to control on-chain assets and manage identity data, so as to better protect their data privacy.

2)Improve Human Readability with Domain Name Solutions

When you enter Web3, you’re given a 42-character hexadecimal address. Domain name solution adds human readability and character to such address.

ONTO integrates solutions with domain names like FIO Crypto Handles and Unstoppable Domains. These one-of-a-kind solutions can turn a long and conplicated string of wallet addresses into human-readable domain names, which you can use to access Web3 dApps in ONTO and come with multi-chain support.

3)Multi-Chain Wallet

One concept which can be difficult for new users to wrap their heads around is that, out of the over tens of thousands cryptocurrencies available for purchase right now, they are not all supported by the same wallets. Ethereum-based wallets like MetaMask cannot accept Bitcoin, let alone dozens of different kinds of public chains out there and their own blockchain-enabled wallets, creating an obstacle to novice buyers, traders and investors alike.

In addition to its unique DID system, ONTO also functions as a multi-chain wallet with more than 40 blockchains available. In practice, users can manage all of their digital assets in one place, from tokens to NFTs, and private data.

To date, ONTO supports more than 40 public blockchains including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Ontology, Polkadot, Polygon, etc.

4)Access over 1000 DApps and NFT Collections

ONTO Wallet allows users to display, send or receive and even trade NFTs without going to an NFT marketplace. Furthermore, ONTO also provides seamless access to over 1,000 dApps. Users can switch addresses of other chains within the dApp without repeatedly switching tabs, offering a much better user experience. With more than 1,000 dApps easily accessible in ONTO, all users can find their niche.

5)Native Swap and Bridge

ONTO offers in-app native Swap and Bridge features, allowing you to swap assets with the optimal exchange rate instantly and directly within the wallet, powered by OpenOcean and PolyNetwork.

6)Address Scan for Token and NFT Detection

ONTO also comes with a unique address scan feature that can automatically detect and add digital assets and NFTs with balances in your addresses in real-time. Since ONTO has integrated the token prices and information on CoinMarketCap, you can find real-time token-fiat prices and detailed information about the projects and tokens at ease.

With this feature, users aren’t required to add assets manually and don’t have to worry about forgetting their assets.

7) Security and Safety First

Security issues matters more in Web3 than in Web2 since security risks are more about assets in Web3. Once a hack happens, it can lead to millions of dollars losses. And in the context of such a decentralized space, there is no recourse for any loss from such transactions. So Web3 security must be more proactive and prevention-oriented than Web2 security.

With this in mind, safety and security is a top priority for ONTO Wallet. As ONTO is a decentralized wallet, it does not store any data. This makes the wallet immune to external attacks.

By integrating with multiple security API services powered by GoPlus , ONTO Wallet automatically detects security risk and triggers alerts for users in the process of token transfer and trading, NFT trading, and dApp approvals.

How to Set Up Your ONTO Wallet?

Step 1. Download and Install ONTO

Go to https://ont.app and scroll down to the bottom for download options.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

iOS Users

If your Apple ID is registered outside of China, download ONTO via the Apple Store.

If your Apple ID is registered in China, download ONTO via the TestFlight App.

Android Users

If your Google Play account is registered outside of China, download ONTO via the Google Play store.

If your Google Play account is registered in China, download the ONTO APK from the website.

Step 2. Create Your ONT ID
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Open ONTO, set a wallet name and password, and click the arrow button to create your ONT ID.

Please note that the wallet name should be kept within 12 characters, and the password within 15 characters. Neither the wallet name nor the password can contain a blank space.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Input your mobile number or email address, and click “Confirm” to bind your ONT ID with your mobile or email. You can also click “Later” to bind at a later time more convenient for you.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

After you’ve successfully created your ONT ID, click “Back up now” to back up your mnemonic phrase.

You can also click “Back up later” to back up at a time more convenient for you.

Step 3. Using ONTO to Receive ONT Transfers
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Open ONTO and go to the “Assets” page. Select ONT from the assets list to go to the ONT page.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

Click “Receive” in the lower right corner.

ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?

You can transfer ONT to this account by copying the address or scanning the QR code.

NFT Marketplace

NFT Marketplace Section Overview

Open the NFT Marketplace
  • Open ONTO, click “NFT” to open the “NFT” page
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
My Cart
  • Click the cart icon to jump to the “My Cart” page
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Search for NFTs
  • Click the search icon to jump to the search interface
  • Enter NFT, NFT collection name or contract address for NFT collection and NFT search
  • Click “NFTs“, you can switch to the NFTs list interface
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Delete Search History
  • Click the delete icon
  • Click “Confirm” to delete search history
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
View NFT Details
  • Click on the cover of the NFT collection you want to view, and you can enter the NFT collection page to view the NFT collection information
  • Click on the NFT you want to view to enter the NFT details page
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Click the share icon to share the NFT as a picture to social platforms Twitter, Telegram and Facebook.
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Check Purchase History
  • Click the clock icon to jump to the historical transaction record interface
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • You can view the recommended NFT collections under the Recommended section
  • Click “Popular” or “New” to view the corresponding NFT collection
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Click the time dimension button to view the NFT transaction volume rankings in the corresponding time period
  • Click “Volume” to switch the sorting order
  • Click “Floor Price” to switch the sorting order
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Pull down and click “View More” to view more ranking data

Buy NFTs

Add NFT to cart
  • Click on the cover of the NFT collection you want to buy to enter the NFT collection
  • Click the cart icon on the NFT you want to buy to add the NFT to the cart
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Or, if you want to check the NFT details first, you can click the NFT you want to buy to enter the NFT details page
  • Then click the cart icon on the NFT you want to buy, you can also add the NFT to the shopping cart
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Manage My Cart
Check the shopping cart
  • Click the cart icon to jump to the “My Cart” interface
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Delete purchases
  • Swipe left on the purchase you want to delete
  • Click “Delete” to delete purchased items
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Clear Cart
  • Click the delete icon
  • Click the “Confirm” button in the pop-up window to clear your cart
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
Buy NFTs
  • Click “Buy Now” to jump to the confirmation purchase interface
  • Click “Check for details” to view purchase item
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
  • Click “Confirm” to jump to the Confirm Purchase interface
  • Click the “Confirm” button in the confirmation transaction pop-up window, enter the password to purchase
ONTO Wallet Reviews: Blockchain & Web3 At Your Fingertips?
View transaction history
  • Click the clock icon to jump to the transaction record interface
  • Click on the record you want to view to view the transaction details


ONTO Wallet represents a significant advancement in the world of blockchain and digital asset management. As the first decentralized cross-chain wallet of its kind, ONTO offers users a comprehensive and secure solution for managing their digital identities, data, and various digital assets.

By leveraging the Ontology blockchain, ONTO Wallet enables users to create decentralized digital identities that prioritize privacy and security through encryption algorithms. This empowers users with greater control over their personal information in an increasingly digital world.

The wallet’s intuitive user interface and multi-chain support simplify the complexities of interacting with different blockchain networks. ONTO’s inclusion of features like cross-chain swaps, direct access to decentralized applications, and real-time news updates enhances the overall user experience, providing a one-stop platform for various blockchain-related activities.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.

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