Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight

As one of the leading crypto exchanges today, KuCoin is the best place to find bright crypto gems. The exclusive token launch platform KuCoin Spotlight is one of the bright spots that helps investors identify quality projects. Today, let’s join Coincu to find out the top 5 latest notable projects on KuCoin Spotlight.
Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight
Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 13

Read more: KuCoin Review: New Trading Platform With Extremely Competitive Fees

Overview of KuCoin Spotlight

What is KuCoin Spotlight?

KuCoin Spotlight is the token launch platform for KuCoin. It aims to facilitate early-stage cryptocurrency projects and enable users to partake in initial token distribution, offering the chance for lucrative returns with minimal investment requirements.

Distinguished as a premier altcoin exchange, KuCoin Spotlight upholds stringent screening standards to guarantee the quality of listed projects and their respective native tokens. Projects on KuCoin Spotlight is always a quality choice for retail investors to consider. Read More

Read more: Top Binance Launchpad Tokens With The Best ROI

Criteria for screening projects on KuCoin Spotlight

The rigorous process, designed to ensure the quality and potential of listed tokens, involves multiple layers of evaluation overseen by the KuCoin Research Team, which comprises over 20 experts dedicated to project scrutiny.

The screening process unfolds in three distinct phases, with each project subjected to thorough assessment by independent groups. A comprehensive evaluation spanning four levels meticulously scrutinizes candidates against nearly 100 criteria distributed across six key categories. Read More

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Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 14

KuCoin Spotlight not only serves as a gateway to more promising digital assets for investors but also extends support to nascent crypto ventures in various facets such as crowdfunding, marketing, and enhancing public exposure. By nurturing early-stage projects, KuCoin contributes to the dynamism and growth of the cryptocurrency industry.

Currently, KuCoin has unveiled 28 projects through its Spotlight initiative, each identified as potential crypto gems. As the platform continues to uphold its standards of excellence, the spotlight remains on fostering innovation and fostering a robust ecosystem for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors alike.

Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight

Demo Image
MetaJuice is actively engaged in the development of blockchain-driven assets aimed at harnessing the full potential of the metaverse. 
Demo Image
Sui Network
Sui Network is an emerging player in the blockchain sphere. Unlike traditional models, Sui operates on a Monolithic structure.
Demo Image
    Mechaverse is a prominent Japanese Web3 entertainment platform, has taken the gaming world by storm.
    Demo Image
    Fracton Protocol
    The Fracton Protocol is a groundbreaking approach to fractionalizing NFT collections, empowering holders to secure fractions of coveted NFTs with minimal risk of exploitation.
    Demo Image
    Pikaster is on a mission to revolutionize digital experiences by offering diverse scenarios encompassing various games

    1. MetaJuice


    MetaJuice, a pioneering entity in the digital realm, is actively engaged in the development of blockchain-driven assets aimed at harnessing the full potential of the metaverse. This visionary endeavor seeks to empower users by providing them with the tools to create, earn, own, and influence the trajectory of the virtual landscape. MetaJuice is one of the projects on KuCoin Spotlight whose potential investors are still considering.

    At the heart of MetaJuice’s initiative are meta tokens, including VCORE and VCOIN, as well as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These innovative digital assets serve as the building blocks for a decentralized ecosystem where participants can transact, collaborate, and express themselves freely within the metaverse.

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    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 15


    VCORE, a cutting-edge ERC-20 token, represents a pivotal integration into IMVU, one of the premier metaverse economies globally. IMVU, boasting tens of millions of monthly peer-to-peer transactions and over 1 million active crypto wallets, stands as a vibrant hub of digital exchange and interaction. Notably, VCORE will be exclusively available to users outside the US and Canada.

    Functioning as the primary currency for minting, purchasing, and trading MetaJuice NFTs within IMVU, VCORE promises to revolutionize the way users engage with digital assets. With NFTs already in circulation, eligible IMVU creators are poised to unleash a wave of creative expression, leveraging VCORE to facilitate seamless transactions within the metaverse.

    VCOIN is a universal digital currency designed to facilitate seamless transactions and value transfer across the metaverse and beyond. Launched by MetaJuice in January 2021, VCOIN offers users unparalleled flexibility in buying, gifting, earning, and converting digital earnings into real-world currency.

    Currently integrated into IMVU, the world’s largest web3 social metaverse platform, VCOIN represents a bridge between virtual and tangible economies, enabling users to transact with ease across diverse digital landscapes.

    2. Sui Network


    Sui Network is an emerging player in the blockchain sphere. Unlike traditional models, Sui operates on a Monolithic structure, where all tasks and operations are managed within a single network, offering a streamlined and efficient ecosystem for developers and users alike. Sui Network is also on the list of projects on KuCoin Spotlight.

    The Monolithic blockchain employed by Sui is designed to handle a myriad of tasks seamlessly, distinguishing it from conventional blockchain architectures. With scalability at its core, Sui boasts the capability to process several hundred thousand transactions per second (TPS), coupled with impressively fast block times ranging from 2 to 3 seconds.

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    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 16

    What sets Sui apart is its unique expansion methodology, which diverges from the vertical expansion seen in platforms like Solana or Internet Computer. Instead, Sui adopts a horizontal expansion approach, reminiscent of Ethereum 2.0’s strategy. This method aims to broaden the Web3 ecosystem by incentivizing developers to swiftly create and deploy applications on the platform.


    Gas fees, a perennial concern for blockchain users, are addressed adeptly by Sui. Unlike the volatile and erratic gas fees prevalent in many blockchains, Sui’s approach offers stability and predictability.

    The network divides activities into 24-hour epochs, during which validators vote on a single gas fee, known as the reference price. This system ensures that transaction costs remain consistent throughout an epoch, enhancing the user experience.

    Sui employs the Narwhal & Tusk consensus mechanism to bolster security and resilience against potential threats. Narwhal focuses on preserving data availability during consensus, while Tusk efficiently sorts and orders transactions. This dual-layered approach mitigates risks associated with validator compromise, fortifying the network against malicious attacks.

    Innovating on scalability, Sui diverges from traditional block arrangement methods. Instead of processing data sequentially within blocks, Sui organizes data into independent objects using Byzantine Fault-Tolerant (BFT) consensus and Byzantine Consistent Broadcast (BCB). This parallel processing capability enhances throughput and scalability, positioning Sui as a frontrunner in handling large volumes of transactions efficiently.

    Sui distinguishes itself by leveraging the Move programming language, originally developed for Diem (formerly Libra). In addition to Aptos, Sui embraces Move to empower developers and users with enhanced flexibility and security.

    Move enables the creation of customizable asset objects, offering autonomy and robustness in managing digital assets while circumventing the pitfalls associated with Solidity, the programming language commonly used in blockchain development.

    3. Mechaverse


    Mechaverse, the latest venture from Mechaverse Labs, a prominent Japanese Web3 entertainment platform, has taken the gaming world by storm. Boasting a diverse array of game formats, including Auto Chess, Battle Royale, 3D Fighting, sandbox adventures, conquest challenges, and even UFO Catcher simulations, Mechaverse is poised to redefine the gaming landscape.

    Central to Mechaverse’s strategy is the cultivation of a robust community base, recognizing that sustained growth hinges upon fostering meaningful connections with players. The overarching goal of Mechaverse is clear: to offer accessibility, user-friendliness, high entertainment value, and lucrative opportunities for gamers while steadfastly prioritizing player satisfaction.

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    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 17

    With Mechaverse at the forefront, the convergence of blockchain and gaming is poised to usher in a new era of interactive entertainment, where immersive experiences and financial incentives converge seamlessly for players worldwide. This is the reason why it is on the list of top projects on KuCoin Spotlight.


    In PvE mode, players rally their heroic forces to combat alien invaders along their invasion route. Victory against these extraterrestrial foes yields valuable MM tokens, the coveted in-game currency.

    Participation in PvE battles is straightforward: select the desired difficulty level, choose your trusty mech hero, and plunge into the fray. Remember, the number and rank of heroes significantly influence your chances of success and the rewards earned. The higher the stakes, the greater the spoils!

    PvP, the ultimate test of skill and strategy, pits players against each other in intense one-on-one battles. Success in PvP not only enhances your standing on the leaderboard but also unlocks exclusive rewards tailored to your performance.

    To emerge victorious, players must delve deep into the intricacies of the hero system, mastering strengths, weaknesses, and optimal formations to assemble an unbeatable team. With each triumph, ascend the ranks and claim your rightful place among the Mech Hero elite.

    Forge bonds of camaraderie and cooperation by creating or joining a guild within Mech Hero. Assume leadership by investing in the guild’s growth and recruitment efforts. As a guild leader, wield authority to invite members, shape the roster, and allocate rewards based on contributions.

    Guild quests offer daily challenges and battles, fueling member engagement and camaraderie while earning valuable contribution points. Rise to the top as one of the 16 elite guilds in the fierce Guild Wars, where strategic prowess and teamwork determine victory. With exclusive rewards and bragging rights at stake, the battle for supremacy has never been fiercer.

    4. Fracton Protocol


    The Fracton Protocol introduces a groundbreaking approach to fractionalizing NFT collections, empowering holders to secure fractions of coveted NFTs with minimal risk of exploitation. Fracton Protocol is one of the projects on KuCoin Spotlight that supports NFTs.

    Through a single Ethereum call facilitated by the FractonFactory, wherein the NFT contract address is imported, the protocol seamlessly initiates the deployment of fractionalized ERC1155 and ERC20 token contracts. This process establishes a swap relationship linked to the imported ERC721 token collection, thus enabling a dual-step fractionalization mechanism and liquidity provision (ERC721-ERC1155-ERC20).

    fracton protocol FT crypto
    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 18


    One of the standout features of Fracton Protocol is Meta-Swap, an innovative mechanism facilitating seamless token swapping across multiple standards.

    Dubbed the One-Stop Swap, Meta-Swap enables users to effortlessly exchange tokens among ERC-20 (hiNFT), ERC1155 (People’s NFT), and ERC721 (Original NFT) formats at a fixed ratio. Furthermore, Meta-Swap serves as a reserve vault for every hiNFT collection, enhancing liquidity and accessibility within the ecosystem.

    Fracton Protocol introduces a groundbreaking approach to fractionalization and redemption of NFTs. Through a combination of three Ethereum token standards – ERC721, ERC1155, and ERC20 – any non-fungible token can be fractionalized and redeemed.

    The process entails two fractionalization steps (ERC721 to ERC1155 to ERC20) with a predefined swap rate of 1:1000 at each stage. Leveraging Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function), the protocol ensures secure and transparent swapping of People’s NFT for a randomly selected NFT from the target collection held within the protocol.

    Fracton Protocol empowers users to seamlessly exchange their NFTs for randomly selected assets from a designated collection. Leveraging Chainlink’s verifiable random function (VRF), the protocol offers a secure and transparent method for selecting the random NFT, bolstering trust and reliability within the ecosystem.

    This feature not only facilitates diversified NFT trading but also provides NFT holders with novel avenues to monetize their digital assets.

    5. Pikaster


    Pikaster, the innovative community-driven metaverse developed by Metaland, is on a mission to revolutionize digital experiences by offering diverse scenarios encompassing various games, social interactions, entertainment, and sports activities.

    At its core, Pikaster introduces a captivating card battle game that operates across multiple blockchain networks, including KCC, Polygon, and BNB Chain. The game’s unique approach lies in its creative level designs, which encompass exploration and idle systems alongside traditional PVE missions and PVP battles.

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    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 19

    By integrating blockchain technology and leveraging the capabilities of different blockchain networks, Pikaster aims to redefine the landscape of virtual experiences, offering users a dynamic and engaging environment to explore, compete, and interact. Pikaster is one of the projects on KuCoin Spotlight that is attracting the community.


    Pikaster offers users lucrative staking options, allowing them to earn substantial profits while engaging with the platform. With a variety of staking options available, users can tailor their investment strategies to suit their preferences and financial goals.

    Setting a new standard in user rewards, Pikaster pioneers a revolutionary 3-tier referral system. Not only does this system enable players to earn a share of transaction fees, but it also distributes platform revenue, including proceeds from NFT sales, C2C market transaction fees, and rental market activities. This groundbreaking initiative marks a historic milestone in community engagement, fostering a culture of shared prosperity among Pikaster participants.

    Pikaster’s forward-thinking approach extends beyond internal transactions to encompass external revenue generation. By expanding the advertising network and exploring opportunities in financial management, Pikaster aims to bolster platform profits and enhance user benefits. Importantly, all members holding MLS tokens stand to reap the rewards, enjoying a stake in the platform’s external revenue streams.


    Kucoin Spotlight has a fairly simple way of operating; this is also a platform that helps users easily make profits if they know how to use it. Hopefully Coincu’s article has helped you get more information about projects on KuCoin Spotlight.

    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight

    As one of the leading crypto exchanges today, KuCoin is the best place to find bright crypto gems. The exclusive token launch platform KuCoin Spotlight is one of the bright spots that helps investors identify quality projects. Today, let’s join Coincu to find out the top 5 latest notable projects on KuCoin Spotlight.
    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight
    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 32

    Read more: KuCoin Review: New Trading Platform With Extremely Competitive Fees

    Overview of KuCoin Spotlight

    What is KuCoin Spotlight?

    KuCoin Spotlight is the token launch platform for KuCoin. It aims to facilitate early-stage cryptocurrency projects and enable users to partake in initial token distribution, offering the chance for lucrative returns with minimal investment requirements.

    Distinguished as a premier altcoin exchange, KuCoin Spotlight upholds stringent screening standards to guarantee the quality of listed projects and their respective native tokens. Projects on KuCoin Spotlight is always a quality choice for retail investors to consider. Read More

    Read more: Top Binance Launchpad Tokens With The Best ROI

    Criteria for screening projects on KuCoin Spotlight

    The rigorous process, designed to ensure the quality and potential of listed tokens, involves multiple layers of evaluation overseen by the KuCoin Research Team, which comprises over 20 experts dedicated to project scrutiny.

    The screening process unfolds in three distinct phases, with each project subjected to thorough assessment by independent groups. A comprehensive evaluation spanning four levels meticulously scrutinizes candidates against nearly 100 criteria distributed across six key categories. Read More

    image 510
    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 33

    KuCoin Spotlight not only serves as a gateway to more promising digital assets for investors but also extends support to nascent crypto ventures in various facets such as crowdfunding, marketing, and enhancing public exposure. By nurturing early-stage projects, KuCoin contributes to the dynamism and growth of the cryptocurrency industry.

    Currently, KuCoin has unveiled 28 projects through its Spotlight initiative, each identified as potential crypto gems. As the platform continues to uphold its standards of excellence, the spotlight remains on fostering innovation and fostering a robust ecosystem for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors alike.

    Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight

    Demo Image
    MetaJuice is actively engaged in the development of blockchain-driven assets aimed at harnessing the full potential of the metaverse. 
    Demo Image
    Sui Network
    Sui Network is an emerging player in the blockchain sphere. Unlike traditional models, Sui operates on a Monolithic structure.
    Demo Image
      Mechaverse is a prominent Japanese Web3 entertainment platform, has taken the gaming world by storm.
      Demo Image
      Fracton Protocol
      The Fracton Protocol is a groundbreaking approach to fractionalizing NFT collections, empowering holders to secure fractions of coveted NFTs with minimal risk of exploitation.
      Demo Image
      Pikaster is on a mission to revolutionize digital experiences by offering diverse scenarios encompassing various games

      1. MetaJuice


      MetaJuice, a pioneering entity in the digital realm, is actively engaged in the development of blockchain-driven assets aimed at harnessing the full potential of the metaverse. This visionary endeavor seeks to empower users by providing them with the tools to create, earn, own, and influence the trajectory of the virtual landscape. MetaJuice is one of the projects on KuCoin Spotlight whose potential investors are still considering.

      At the heart of MetaJuice’s initiative are meta tokens, including VCORE and VCOIN, as well as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These innovative digital assets serve as the building blocks for a decentralized ecosystem where participants can transact, collaborate, and express themselves freely within the metaverse.

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      Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 34


      VCORE, a cutting-edge ERC-20 token, represents a pivotal integration into IMVU, one of the premier metaverse economies globally. IMVU, boasting tens of millions of monthly peer-to-peer transactions and over 1 million active crypto wallets, stands as a vibrant hub of digital exchange and interaction. Notably, VCORE will be exclusively available to users outside the US and Canada.

      Functioning as the primary currency for minting, purchasing, and trading MetaJuice NFTs within IMVU, VCORE promises to revolutionize the way users engage with digital assets. With NFTs already in circulation, eligible IMVU creators are poised to unleash a wave of creative expression, leveraging VCORE to facilitate seamless transactions within the metaverse.

      VCOIN is a universal digital currency designed to facilitate seamless transactions and value transfer across the metaverse and beyond. Launched by MetaJuice in January 2021, VCOIN offers users unparalleled flexibility in buying, gifting, earning, and converting digital earnings into real-world currency.

      Currently integrated into IMVU, the world’s largest web3 social metaverse platform, VCOIN represents a bridge between virtual and tangible economies, enabling users to transact with ease across diverse digital landscapes.

      2. Sui Network


      Sui Network is an emerging player in the blockchain sphere. Unlike traditional models, Sui operates on a Monolithic structure, where all tasks and operations are managed within a single network, offering a streamlined and efficient ecosystem for developers and users alike. Sui Network is also on the list of projects on KuCoin Spotlight.

      The Monolithic blockchain employed by Sui is designed to handle a myriad of tasks seamlessly, distinguishing it from conventional blockchain architectures. With scalability at its core, Sui boasts the capability to process several hundred thousand transactions per second (TPS), coupled with impressively fast block times ranging from 2 to 3 seconds.

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      Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 35

      What sets Sui apart is its unique expansion methodology, which diverges from the vertical expansion seen in platforms like Solana or Internet Computer. Instead, Sui adopts a horizontal expansion approach, reminiscent of Ethereum 2.0’s strategy. This method aims to broaden the Web3 ecosystem by incentivizing developers to swiftly create and deploy applications on the platform.


      Gas fees, a perennial concern for blockchain users, are addressed adeptly by Sui. Unlike the volatile and erratic gas fees prevalent in many blockchains, Sui’s approach offers stability and predictability.

      The network divides activities into 24-hour epochs, during which validators vote on a single gas fee, known as the reference price. This system ensures that transaction costs remain consistent throughout an epoch, enhancing the user experience.

      Sui employs the Narwhal & Tusk consensus mechanism to bolster security and resilience against potential threats. Narwhal focuses on preserving data availability during consensus, while Tusk efficiently sorts and orders transactions. This dual-layered approach mitigates risks associated with validator compromise, fortifying the network against malicious attacks.

      Innovating on scalability, Sui diverges from traditional block arrangement methods. Instead of processing data sequentially within blocks, Sui organizes data into independent objects using Byzantine Fault-Tolerant (BFT) consensus and Byzantine Consistent Broadcast (BCB). This parallel processing capability enhances throughput and scalability, positioning Sui as a frontrunner in handling large volumes of transactions efficiently.

      Sui distinguishes itself by leveraging the Move programming language, originally developed for Diem (formerly Libra). In addition to Aptos, Sui embraces Move to empower developers and users with enhanced flexibility and security.

      Move enables the creation of customizable asset objects, offering autonomy and robustness in managing digital assets while circumventing the pitfalls associated with Solidity, the programming language commonly used in blockchain development.

      3. Mechaverse


      Mechaverse, the latest venture from Mechaverse Labs, a prominent Japanese Web3 entertainment platform, has taken the gaming world by storm. Boasting a diverse array of game formats, including Auto Chess, Battle Royale, 3D Fighting, sandbox adventures, conquest challenges, and even UFO Catcher simulations, Mechaverse is poised to redefine the gaming landscape.

      Central to Mechaverse’s strategy is the cultivation of a robust community base, recognizing that sustained growth hinges upon fostering meaningful connections with players. The overarching goal of Mechaverse is clear: to offer accessibility, user-friendliness, high entertainment value, and lucrative opportunities for gamers while steadfastly prioritizing player satisfaction.

      image 517
      Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 36

      With Mechaverse at the forefront, the convergence of blockchain and gaming is poised to usher in a new era of interactive entertainment, where immersive experiences and financial incentives converge seamlessly for players worldwide. This is the reason why it is on the list of top projects on KuCoin Spotlight.


      In PvE mode, players rally their heroic forces to combat alien invaders along their invasion route. Victory against these extraterrestrial foes yields valuable MM tokens, the coveted in-game currency.

      Participation in PvE battles is straightforward: select the desired difficulty level, choose your trusty mech hero, and plunge into the fray. Remember, the number and rank of heroes significantly influence your chances of success and the rewards earned. The higher the stakes, the greater the spoils!

      PvP, the ultimate test of skill and strategy, pits players against each other in intense one-on-one battles. Success in PvP not only enhances your standing on the leaderboard but also unlocks exclusive rewards tailored to your performance.

      To emerge victorious, players must delve deep into the intricacies of the hero system, mastering strengths, weaknesses, and optimal formations to assemble an unbeatable team. With each triumph, ascend the ranks and claim your rightful place among the Mech Hero elite.

      Forge bonds of camaraderie and cooperation by creating or joining a guild within Mech Hero. Assume leadership by investing in the guild’s growth and recruitment efforts. As a guild leader, wield authority to invite members, shape the roster, and allocate rewards based on contributions.

      Guild quests offer daily challenges and battles, fueling member engagement and camaraderie while earning valuable contribution points. Rise to the top as one of the 16 elite guilds in the fierce Guild Wars, where strategic prowess and teamwork determine victory. With exclusive rewards and bragging rights at stake, the battle for supremacy has never been fiercer.

      4. Fracton Protocol


      The Fracton Protocol introduces a groundbreaking approach to fractionalizing NFT collections, empowering holders to secure fractions of coveted NFTs with minimal risk of exploitation. Fracton Protocol is one of the projects on KuCoin Spotlight that supports NFTs.

      Through a single Ethereum call facilitated by the FractonFactory, wherein the NFT contract address is imported, the protocol seamlessly initiates the deployment of fractionalized ERC1155 and ERC20 token contracts. This process establishes a swap relationship linked to the imported ERC721 token collection, thus enabling a dual-step fractionalization mechanism and liquidity provision (ERC721-ERC1155-ERC20).

      fracton protocol FT crypto
      Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 37


      One of the standout features of Fracton Protocol is Meta-Swap, an innovative mechanism facilitating seamless token swapping across multiple standards.

      Dubbed the One-Stop Swap, Meta-Swap enables users to effortlessly exchange tokens among ERC-20 (hiNFT), ERC1155 (People’s NFT), and ERC721 (Original NFT) formats at a fixed ratio. Furthermore, Meta-Swap serves as a reserve vault for every hiNFT collection, enhancing liquidity and accessibility within the ecosystem.

      Fracton Protocol introduces a groundbreaking approach to fractionalization and redemption of NFTs. Through a combination of three Ethereum token standards – ERC721, ERC1155, and ERC20 – any non-fungible token can be fractionalized and redeemed.

      The process entails two fractionalization steps (ERC721 to ERC1155 to ERC20) with a predefined swap rate of 1:1000 at each stage. Leveraging Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function), the protocol ensures secure and transparent swapping of People’s NFT for a randomly selected NFT from the target collection held within the protocol.

      Fracton Protocol empowers users to seamlessly exchange their NFTs for randomly selected assets from a designated collection. Leveraging Chainlink’s verifiable random function (VRF), the protocol offers a secure and transparent method for selecting the random NFT, bolstering trust and reliability within the ecosystem.

      This feature not only facilitates diversified NFT trading but also provides NFT holders with novel avenues to monetize their digital assets.

      5. Pikaster


      Pikaster, the innovative community-driven metaverse developed by Metaland, is on a mission to revolutionize digital experiences by offering diverse scenarios encompassing various games, social interactions, entertainment, and sports activities.

      At its core, Pikaster introduces a captivating card battle game that operates across multiple blockchain networks, including KCC, Polygon, and BNB Chain. The game’s unique approach lies in its creative level designs, which encompass exploration and idle systems alongside traditional PVE missions and PVP battles.

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      Top 5 Latest Projects On KuCoin Spotlight 38

      By integrating blockchain technology and leveraging the capabilities of different blockchain networks, Pikaster aims to redefine the landscape of virtual experiences, offering users a dynamic and engaging environment to explore, compete, and interact. Pikaster is one of the projects on KuCoin Spotlight that is attracting the community.


      Pikaster offers users lucrative staking options, allowing them to earn substantial profits while engaging with the platform. With a variety of staking options available, users can tailor their investment strategies to suit their preferences and financial goals.

      Setting a new standard in user rewards, Pikaster pioneers a revolutionary 3-tier referral system. Not only does this system enable players to earn a share of transaction fees, but it also distributes platform revenue, including proceeds from NFT sales, C2C market transaction fees, and rental market activities. This groundbreaking initiative marks a historic milestone in community engagement, fostering a culture of shared prosperity among Pikaster participants.

      Pikaster’s forward-thinking approach extends beyond internal transactions to encompass external revenue generation. By expanding the advertising network and exploring opportunities in financial management, Pikaster aims to bolster platform profits and enhance user benefits. Importantly, all members holding MLS tokens stand to reap the rewards, enjoying a stake in the platform’s external revenue streams.


      Kucoin Spotlight has a fairly simple way of operating; this is also a platform that helps users easily make profits if they know how to use it. Hopefully Coincu’s article has helped you get more information about projects on KuCoin Spotlight.

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