NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology

As a featured project on Binance Launchpad and one of the platforms that helps artists make money from the Web3 platform, NFPrompt is gradually asserting its position. Today, let’s learn about this project with Coincu through the NFPrompt Review article.
NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology
NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology 8

What is NFPrompt?

NFPrompt is a game-changer in the world of AI-driven user-generated content (UGC). The platform, which enables users to effortlessly create AI artworks, mint them as NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and subsequently sell them on its Marketplace, marks Binance‘s 41st Binance Launchpool project.

One of the standout features of NFPrompt lies in its integration of AI technology to empower artists, offering them a means to generate additional income by merging their ideas with artificial intelligence. Notably, NFPrompt supports transactions on two networks: BNB Chain and opBNB, providing users with versatile options for buying and selling their creations.

NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology
NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology 9

The significance of NFPrompt extends beyond its innovative approach to art creation and monetization. As part of Binance Labs‘ Incubation Program season 6, NFPrompt stands among the select twelve projects, positioning itself as a frontrunner in the realm of Web3 startups. This program, aimed at nurturing potential future Web3 ventures, underscores the mission to democratize creativity, enabling individuals to bring their imaginations to life through AI-generated images, music, and more.

Furthermore, NFPrompt fully harnesses the capabilities of blockchain technology within the contemporary art sector. By leveraging blockchain, the platform ensures transparent and immutable ownership of artworks, instilling trust and authenticity within the ecosystem. Users can unleash their creative potential through user-friendly tools while enjoying the assurance of verifiable ownership of their creations.

Read more: Space ID Review: Build Domain With Many Outstanding Features

NFPrompt features


NFPrompt’s cNFP token, which serves as a pivotal component in the platform’s ecosystem, provides users with access to advanced AI tools for creating digital artwork and facilitates participation in platform events. The cNFP token operates as a credit score, granting users privileges and incentives based on their engagement and activity within the NFPrompt community.

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NFPrompt Review: cNFP

Acquiring cNFP tokens can be accomplished through various methods, offering users flexibility and opportunities to earn rewards like:

Users can earn cNFP by logging in daily to the NFPrompt platform, encouraging consistent participation and interaction.

Introducing friends to join the platform serves as another avenue for acquiring cNFP tokens, incentivizing users to expand the NFPrompt community and fostering organic growth.

Minting NFTs on the platform rewards users with cNFP tokens, providing an additional incentive for creators to showcase their artwork and contribute to the platform’s content ecosystem.

Users can earn cNFP based on their daily trading volume, with a maximum limit of 3 BNB, encouraging active participation in the platform’s marketplace.

Joining the project’s Discord channel and following NFPrompt’s Twitter account offer opportunities to earn cNFP tokens, promoting community interaction and involvement.

Top users with the highest weekly credit scores will receive additional cNFP tokens, fostering healthy competition and rewarding consistent engagement and contribution to the platform.


NFPrompt has rolled out its innovative Imagine2Earn model, aiming to democratize the process of NFT creation and empower ordinary individuals to harness their creativity effectively. The platform leverages cutting-edge AI tools like Midjourney v5 and Stable Diffusion to enable users to generate multiple assets (AIGC) and monetize the resulting NFTs seamlessly.

Through the Imagine2Earn model, users gain access to a user-friendly interface where they can effortlessly craft a diverse range of NFTs, including images, videos, PFP avatars, music, and more, from simple text prompts.

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NFPrompt Review: Imagine2Earn

However, it’s important to note that the creation and listing of NFTs on the market incur costs in the form of cNFP tokens and a nominal gas fee in BNB on the opBNB network. Despite this, NFPrompt remains committed to fostering a supportive environment for creators by implementing a royalty fee system. This means that every time a prompt is reused, a portion of the proceeds is allocated to the original creator, incentivizing the production of high-quality content.

Furthermore, NFPrompt ensures that each iteration of a prompt generates similar but distinct content, preserving the uniqueness and authenticity of each NFT.

Working mechanism of NFPrompt

NFPrompt’s operating model had two primary stakeholders: artists and users.


At the heart of NFPrompt’s ecosystem are the creative individuals who populate the “Create” section of the platform. These artists harness their talents to produce captivating images and music, which they can subsequently monetize through two avenues.

Firstly, artists have the option to showcase and sell their creations on NFPrompt’s marketplace, providing a direct channel to enthusiasts and collectors.

Secondly, these artistic endeavors can also serve as entries for various project events hosted by NFPrompt. To empower artists in their creative journey, NFPrompt offers support through three cutting-edge AI tools: Midjourney_V5, Stable Diffusion, and DallE 3, each designed to augment and refine the creative process.


Complementing the vibrant community of artists are the users who engage with their works. This diverse group includes individuals who patronize the NFPrompt marketplace, acquiring unique pieces to enrich their collections.

Additionally, users play a pivotal role in shaping the platform‘s direction by participating in voting processes during NFPrompt events. These events not only showcase the talent within the community but also foster interaction and appreciation among users.

Highlights of NFPrompt

NFPrompt continues to revolutionize the digital art space with a slew of enticing features aimed at empowering creators and fostering community engagement. Here are the highlights of what NFPrompt has to offer:

In a move to incentivize user participation, NFPrompt has announced the waiving of transaction fees for buying and selling activities during events. This initiative aims to encourage users to actively engage in the platform’s vibrant ecosystem.

NFPrompt boasts three cutting-edge AI-powered NFT creation tools, covering a range of mediums including images, videos, PFPs, and music. These tools empower creators with the ability to easily and lucratively mint NFTs, tapping into the burgeoning market of digital assets.

At the core of NFPrompt’s mission is the creation of an interactive community hub where users can explore AI-generated artwork and connect with creators and fans alike. The platform serves as a conduit for sharing exclusive content and valuable insights, fostering meaningful connections within the digital art sphere.

NFPrompt is dedicated to supporting creators by hosting creation contests, providing an avenue for users to expand their brand exposure and showcase their talents. Collaborative projects are also incentivized, with transaction fees accruing from user participation in these competitions.

With a user-centric approach, NFPrompt prides itself on its intuitive interface, designed to cater to both seasoned artists and newcomers alike. The platform even enables new users to create images without the need to log into a Web3 wallet, lowering barriers to entry and democratizing the NFT creation process.

Future Features of NFPrompt

One of the standout features on the horizon for NFPrompt is the implementation of staking functionality. This feature is poised to revolutionize the platform by introducing fee-sharing mechanisms for non-fungible token (NFT) bettors.

Staking will not only empower users by providing them with a means to actively participate in governance and decision-making processes but also serve as a pivotal factor in shaping the future direction of NFPrompt.

NFPrompt has recently rolled out its latest product, the Inscriptions infrastructure, in its alpha version. This innovative tool aims to simplify the NFT creation process within the BNB ecosystem by leveraging AI-powered tools.

Users will now have the ability to effortlessly create NFTs using a variety of media formats, including photos, videos, and music. The primary objective behind this initiative is to promote the adoption of NFTs and showcase community-generated artwork on the platform, thereby fostering a vibrant ecosystem of creativity and collaboration.

Recognizing the immense potential of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC), NFPrompt is actively encouraging users to share their creations on various social media platforms.

By harnessing the power of social media, NFPrompt aims to amplify the reach of user-generated content, thereby enhancing visibility and engagement across diverse online communities.

How To Earn Income in NFPrompt

NFPrompt offers users a unique opportunity to create rich content effortlessly. From images and videos to animations, PFP avatars, music, and 3D models, users can bring their ideas to life simply by providing a description text.

At the core of NFPrompt’s ecosystem lies a token mechanism designed to reward original creators. Similar to the royalty fee mechanism seen on platforms like Opensea or Looksrare, NFPrompt ensures that creators receive their fair share whenever their prompts are reused. This not only incentivizes creativity but also supports the trading and circulation of NFTs, opening up new avenues for profit potential among content creators.

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NFPrompt Review: Task Rewards

Moreover, NFPrompt is fostering creative collaborations with other Web3 projects and introducing token incentive mechanisms to the community. Through these partnerships, NFPrompt aims to encourage user participation in AIGC content creation campaigns sponsored by various projects and brands. Participants stand to benefit from corresponding bonuses through various avenues such as voting, purchasing top works of art, and receiving rewards from the prize pool.

NFPrompt Tokens

The two primary token types used by NFPrompt are NFP and cNFP. NFP is the project’s primary token and is used for staking, project management, and administration. On the other hand, cNFP is a token that can be used for activities on the NFPrompt platform, such as making music and images and taking part in events.

NFP token key metrics

  • Token Name: NFPrompt
  • Ticker: NFP
  • Blockchain: BNB Chain, OpBNB
  • Contract BNB Chain: 0x75E8ddB518bB757b4282cd5b83bb70d4101D12FB.
  • Token Type: Utility, Governance
  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 NFP
  • Circulating Supply: 250,000,000 NFP (25% of total supply)

NFP token allocation

  • Treasury Fund: 27%.
  • Growth Fund: 27%.
  • Team: 15%.
  • Binance Launchpool: 11%.
  • Airdrop: 10%.
  • Investors: 10%.
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NFPrompt Review: NFP token allocation

NFP token release schedule

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NFPrompt Review: NFP token release schedule

NFP token use cases

Stake for Profits and Engage in Creative Competitions

One of the primary utilities of NFP tokens lies in their ability to be staked by users, enabling them to accrue profits from platform operating fees. Moreover, users can exercise their voting rights to champion their preferred works of art on the platform. Additionally, creative competitions offer an avenue for users to showcase their talents and vie for enticing rewards.

Create NFTs and Facilitate Contests

NFP serves as the currency for creating NFTs across various mediums including images, videos, and music. Brands and projects leveraging the NFP ecosystem utilize these tokens to sponsor contests, fostering a vibrant and competitive environment for users.

Reward Programs with Partners

NFPrompt integrates NFP tokens into its reward programs, collaborating with partners to offer incentives and benefits to users. This synergy amplifies the value proposition of the platform while incentivizing user engagement.

Exclusive Purchases and Content Promotion

Renowned Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) within the NFPrompt community have the privilege of utilizing NFP tokens to acquire special signature collections, thereby enhancing their presence and influence within the platform. These tokens also serve as a conduit for promoting content and fostering interactive engagement with the community.

Governance and Development Participation

Holdings of NFP tokens extend beyond mere utility, empowering token holders to actively participate in the governance and steer the future development trajectory of NFPrompt. This democratized approach ensures community involvement and fosters a sense of ownership among stakeholders.

NFPrompt Roadmap

Q4/2023: Empowering Influencers and Enhancing Tokenomics

In the final quarter of 2023, NFPrompt unveiled pivotal features and initiatives aimed at fortifying its ecosystem and empowering content creators:

  • Socialfi Feature Launch: NFPrompt introduced the groundbreaking Socialfi feature, enabling Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) to monetize their influence through signature collections.
  • opBNB Campaigns: The platform initiated campaigns on opBNB, broadening its reach and engagement within the digital landscape.
  • Token Reallocation for Staking: NFPrompt implemented token reallocation strategies to optimize tokenomics, offering users opportunities for staking.

Q1/2024: Advancing NFT Commercialization and Strategic Collaborations

Transitioning into the first quarter of 2024, NFPrompt embarked on a journey of innovation and collaboration, introducing transformative initiatives:

  • Establishment of the NFP Creator Foundation: NFPrompt established the NFP Creator Foundation with a mission to promote NFT commercialization.
  • Strategic Collaborations: NFPrompt forged strategic partnerships with renowned AI companies and Web2 retail brands, signaling a commitment to innovation and industry collaboration.
  • Advancements in AI Technology: The platform unveiled more advanced AI models and tools, empowering users to create custom works of art as a paid service.
  • Launch of NFPrompt’s Own NFT Collection: NFPrompt introduced its own NFT collection, enriching its offerings and providing users with exclusive digital assets.

Q2/2024: Focus on AI Development and Global Expansion

In the second quarter of 2024, NFPrompt intensified its efforts towards technological innovation and global expansion.

  • Launch of NFP AI Foundation: NFPrompt launched the NFP AI Foundation, dedicated to developing AI technology tailored for the platform’s needs.
  • Global Expansion: The platform expanded its development efforts into multiple countries, aiming to cultivate a diverse user base and solidify its position as a global leader in the digital content creation space. Additionally, new user profiles were developed to cater to the evolving needs of the platform’s expanding user base.

NFPrompt team

After graduating from the University of Waterloo in Canada, Sparks L., the co-founder of NFPPrompt, worked for Amazon as an engineer from 2020 to 2023.

Investors and partners of NFPrompt


In June 2023, NFPrompt completed a seed round of funding with an undisclosed amount; the project is valued at $60 million.


Currently, NFPrompt has renowned partners in the BNB Chain ecosystem, including Space ID, SuperWalk, SecondLive, Gameta,…

Conclusion of NFPrompt Review

In addition to offering vital AI tools that enable users to realize and express their desires, NFPrompt wants to be a pioneer in innovation by establishing an open market for Non-fungible Prompts so that all of their creations can be sold. Hopefully Coincu‘s NFPrompt Review article has helped you get more information about this project.

NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology

As a featured project on Binance Launchpad and one of the platforms that helps artists make money from the Web3 platform, NFPrompt is gradually asserting its position. Today, let’s learn about this project with Coincu through the NFPrompt Review article.
NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology
NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology 17

What is NFPrompt?

NFPrompt is a game-changer in the world of AI-driven user-generated content (UGC). The platform, which enables users to effortlessly create AI artworks, mint them as NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and subsequently sell them on its Marketplace, marks Binance‘s 41st Binance Launchpool project.

One of the standout features of NFPrompt lies in its integration of AI technology to empower artists, offering them a means to generate additional income by merging their ideas with artificial intelligence. Notably, NFPrompt supports transactions on two networks: BNB Chain and opBNB, providing users with versatile options for buying and selling their creations.

NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology
NFPrompt Review: Web3 Platform Helps Profit From NFTs Through AI Technology 18

The significance of NFPrompt extends beyond its innovative approach to art creation and monetization. As part of Binance Labs‘ Incubation Program season 6, NFPrompt stands among the select twelve projects, positioning itself as a frontrunner in the realm of Web3 startups. This program, aimed at nurturing potential future Web3 ventures, underscores the mission to democratize creativity, enabling individuals to bring their imaginations to life through AI-generated images, music, and more.

Furthermore, NFPrompt fully harnesses the capabilities of blockchain technology within the contemporary art sector. By leveraging blockchain, the platform ensures transparent and immutable ownership of artworks, instilling trust and authenticity within the ecosystem. Users can unleash their creative potential through user-friendly tools while enjoying the assurance of verifiable ownership of their creations.

Read more: Space ID Review: Build Domain With Many Outstanding Features

NFPrompt features


NFPrompt’s cNFP token, which serves as a pivotal component in the platform’s ecosystem, provides users with access to advanced AI tools for creating digital artwork and facilitates participation in platform events. The cNFP token operates as a credit score, granting users privileges and incentives based on their engagement and activity within the NFPrompt community.

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NFPrompt Review: cNFP

Acquiring cNFP tokens can be accomplished through various methods, offering users flexibility and opportunities to earn rewards like:

Users can earn cNFP by logging in daily to the NFPrompt platform, encouraging consistent participation and interaction.

Introducing friends to join the platform serves as another avenue for acquiring cNFP tokens, incentivizing users to expand the NFPrompt community and fostering organic growth.

Minting NFTs on the platform rewards users with cNFP tokens, providing an additional incentive for creators to showcase their artwork and contribute to the platform’s content ecosystem.

Users can earn cNFP based on their daily trading volume, with a maximum limit of 3 BNB, encouraging active participation in the platform’s marketplace.

Joining the project’s Discord channel and following NFPrompt’s Twitter account offer opportunities to earn cNFP tokens, promoting community interaction and involvement.

Top users with the highest weekly credit scores will receive additional cNFP tokens, fostering healthy competition and rewarding consistent engagement and contribution to the platform.


NFPrompt has rolled out its innovative Imagine2Earn model, aiming to democratize the process of NFT creation and empower ordinary individuals to harness their creativity effectively. The platform leverages cutting-edge AI tools like Midjourney v5 and Stable Diffusion to enable users to generate multiple assets (AIGC) and monetize the resulting NFTs seamlessly.

Through the Imagine2Earn model, users gain access to a user-friendly interface where they can effortlessly craft a diverse range of NFTs, including images, videos, PFP avatars, music, and more, from simple text prompts.

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NFPrompt Review: Imagine2Earn

However, it’s important to note that the creation and listing of NFTs on the market incur costs in the form of cNFP tokens and a nominal gas fee in BNB on the opBNB network. Despite this, NFPrompt remains committed to fostering a supportive environment for creators by implementing a royalty fee system. This means that every time a prompt is reused, a portion of the proceeds is allocated to the original creator, incentivizing the production of high-quality content.

Furthermore, NFPrompt ensures that each iteration of a prompt generates similar but distinct content, preserving the uniqueness and authenticity of each NFT.

Working mechanism of NFPrompt

NFPrompt’s operating model had two primary stakeholders: artists and users.


At the heart of NFPrompt’s ecosystem are the creative individuals who populate the “Create” section of the platform. These artists harness their talents to produce captivating images and music, which they can subsequently monetize through two avenues.

Firstly, artists have the option to showcase and sell their creations on NFPrompt’s marketplace, providing a direct channel to enthusiasts and collectors.

Secondly, these artistic endeavors can also serve as entries for various project events hosted by NFPrompt. To empower artists in their creative journey, NFPrompt offers support through three cutting-edge AI tools: Midjourney_V5, Stable Diffusion, and DallE 3, each designed to augment and refine the creative process.


Complementing the vibrant community of artists are the users who engage with their works. This diverse group includes individuals who patronize the NFPrompt marketplace, acquiring unique pieces to enrich their collections.

Additionally, users play a pivotal role in shaping the platform‘s direction by participating in voting processes during NFPrompt events. These events not only showcase the talent within the community but also foster interaction and appreciation among users.

Highlights of NFPrompt

NFPrompt continues to revolutionize the digital art space with a slew of enticing features aimed at empowering creators and fostering community engagement. Here are the highlights of what NFPrompt has to offer:

In a move to incentivize user participation, NFPrompt has announced the waiving of transaction fees for buying and selling activities during events. This initiative aims to encourage users to actively engage in the platform’s vibrant ecosystem.

NFPrompt boasts three cutting-edge AI-powered NFT creation tools, covering a range of mediums including images, videos, PFPs, and music. These tools empower creators with the ability to easily and lucratively mint NFTs, tapping into the burgeoning market of digital assets.

At the core of NFPrompt’s mission is the creation of an interactive community hub where users can explore AI-generated artwork and connect with creators and fans alike. The platform serves as a conduit for sharing exclusive content and valuable insights, fostering meaningful connections within the digital art sphere.

NFPrompt is dedicated to supporting creators by hosting creation contests, providing an avenue for users to expand their brand exposure and showcase their talents. Collaborative projects are also incentivized, with transaction fees accruing from user participation in these competitions.

With a user-centric approach, NFPrompt prides itself on its intuitive interface, designed to cater to both seasoned artists and newcomers alike. The platform even enables new users to create images without the need to log into a Web3 wallet, lowering barriers to entry and democratizing the NFT creation process.

Future Features of NFPrompt

One of the standout features on the horizon for NFPrompt is the implementation of staking functionality. This feature is poised to revolutionize the platform by introducing fee-sharing mechanisms for non-fungible token (NFT) bettors.

Staking will not only empower users by providing them with a means to actively participate in governance and decision-making processes but also serve as a pivotal factor in shaping the future direction of NFPrompt.

NFPrompt has recently rolled out its latest product, the Inscriptions infrastructure, in its alpha version. This innovative tool aims to simplify the NFT creation process within the BNB ecosystem by leveraging AI-powered tools.

Users will now have the ability to effortlessly create NFTs using a variety of media formats, including photos, videos, and music. The primary objective behind this initiative is to promote the adoption of NFTs and showcase community-generated artwork on the platform, thereby fostering a vibrant ecosystem of creativity and collaboration.

Recognizing the immense potential of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC), NFPrompt is actively encouraging users to share their creations on various social media platforms.

By harnessing the power of social media, NFPrompt aims to amplify the reach of user-generated content, thereby enhancing visibility and engagement across diverse online communities.

How To Earn Income in NFPrompt

NFPrompt offers users a unique opportunity to create rich content effortlessly. From images and videos to animations, PFP avatars, music, and 3D models, users can bring their ideas to life simply by providing a description text.

At the core of NFPrompt’s ecosystem lies a token mechanism designed to reward original creators. Similar to the royalty fee mechanism seen on platforms like Opensea or Looksrare, NFPrompt ensures that creators receive their fair share whenever their prompts are reused. This not only incentivizes creativity but also supports the trading and circulation of NFTs, opening up new avenues for profit potential among content creators.

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NFPrompt Review: Task Rewards

Moreover, NFPrompt is fostering creative collaborations with other Web3 projects and introducing token incentive mechanisms to the community. Through these partnerships, NFPrompt aims to encourage user participation in AIGC content creation campaigns sponsored by various projects and brands. Participants stand to benefit from corresponding bonuses through various avenues such as voting, purchasing top works of art, and receiving rewards from the prize pool.

NFPrompt Tokens

The two primary token types used by NFPrompt are NFP and cNFP. NFP is the project’s primary token and is used for staking, project management, and administration. On the other hand, cNFP is a token that can be used for activities on the NFPrompt platform, such as making music and images and taking part in events.

NFP token key metrics

  • Token Name: NFPrompt
  • Ticker: NFP
  • Blockchain: BNB Chain, OpBNB
  • Contract BNB Chain: 0x75E8ddB518bB757b4282cd5b83bb70d4101D12FB.
  • Token Type: Utility, Governance
  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 NFP
  • Circulating Supply: 250,000,000 NFP (25% of total supply)

NFP token allocation

  • Treasury Fund: 27%.
  • Growth Fund: 27%.
  • Team: 15%.
  • Binance Launchpool: 11%.
  • Airdrop: 10%.
  • Investors: 10%.
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NFPrompt Review: NFP token allocation

NFP token release schedule

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NFPrompt Review: NFP token release schedule

NFP token use cases

Stake for Profits and Engage in Creative Competitions

One of the primary utilities of NFP tokens lies in their ability to be staked by users, enabling them to accrue profits from platform operating fees. Moreover, users can exercise their voting rights to champion their preferred works of art on the platform. Additionally, creative competitions offer an avenue for users to showcase their talents and vie for enticing rewards.

Create NFTs and Facilitate Contests

NFP serves as the currency for creating NFTs across various mediums including images, videos, and music. Brands and projects leveraging the NFP ecosystem utilize these tokens to sponsor contests, fostering a vibrant and competitive environment for users.

Reward Programs with Partners

NFPrompt integrates NFP tokens into its reward programs, collaborating with partners to offer incentives and benefits to users. This synergy amplifies the value proposition of the platform while incentivizing user engagement.

Exclusive Purchases and Content Promotion

Renowned Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) within the NFPrompt community have the privilege of utilizing NFP tokens to acquire special signature collections, thereby enhancing their presence and influence within the platform. These tokens also serve as a conduit for promoting content and fostering interactive engagement with the community.

Governance and Development Participation

Holdings of NFP tokens extend beyond mere utility, empowering token holders to actively participate in the governance and steer the future development trajectory of NFPrompt. This democratized approach ensures community involvement and fosters a sense of ownership among stakeholders.

NFPrompt Roadmap

Q4/2023: Empowering Influencers and Enhancing Tokenomics

In the final quarter of 2023, NFPrompt unveiled pivotal features and initiatives aimed at fortifying its ecosystem and empowering content creators:

  • Socialfi Feature Launch: NFPrompt introduced the groundbreaking Socialfi feature, enabling Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) to monetize their influence through signature collections.
  • opBNB Campaigns: The platform initiated campaigns on opBNB, broadening its reach and engagement within the digital landscape.
  • Token Reallocation for Staking: NFPrompt implemented token reallocation strategies to optimize tokenomics, offering users opportunities for staking.

Q1/2024: Advancing NFT Commercialization and Strategic Collaborations

Transitioning into the first quarter of 2024, NFPrompt embarked on a journey of innovation and collaboration, introducing transformative initiatives:

  • Establishment of the NFP Creator Foundation: NFPrompt established the NFP Creator Foundation with a mission to promote NFT commercialization.
  • Strategic Collaborations: NFPrompt forged strategic partnerships with renowned AI companies and Web2 retail brands, signaling a commitment to innovation and industry collaboration.
  • Advancements in AI Technology: The platform unveiled more advanced AI models and tools, empowering users to create custom works of art as a paid service.
  • Launch of NFPrompt’s Own NFT Collection: NFPrompt introduced its own NFT collection, enriching its offerings and providing users with exclusive digital assets.

Q2/2024: Focus on AI Development and Global Expansion

In the second quarter of 2024, NFPrompt intensified its efforts towards technological innovation and global expansion.

  • Launch of NFP AI Foundation: NFPrompt launched the NFP AI Foundation, dedicated to developing AI technology tailored for the platform’s needs.
  • Global Expansion: The platform expanded its development efforts into multiple countries, aiming to cultivate a diverse user base and solidify its position as a global leader in the digital content creation space. Additionally, new user profiles were developed to cater to the evolving needs of the platform’s expanding user base.

NFPrompt team

After graduating from the University of Waterloo in Canada, Sparks L., the co-founder of NFPPrompt, worked for Amazon as an engineer from 2020 to 2023.

Investors and partners of NFPrompt


In June 2023, NFPrompt completed a seed round of funding with an undisclosed amount; the project is valued at $60 million.


Currently, NFPrompt has renowned partners in the BNB Chain ecosystem, including Space ID, SuperWalk, SecondLive, Gameta,…

Conclusion of NFPrompt Review

In addition to offering vital AI tools that enable users to realize and express their desires, NFPrompt wants to be a pioneer in innovation by establishing an open market for Non-fungible Prompts so that all of their creations can be sold. Hopefully Coincu‘s NFPrompt Review article has helped you get more information about this project.

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