The climate chain alliance advocates the creation of a green economy at COP26

Climate Chain Alliance delegation representatives speak at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland, on Tuesday.

Climate Chain Coalition

The Climate Chain Alliance (CCC) is a global environmental initiative consisting of 250 member organizations and individuals who use blockchains, distributed ledgers or DLTs and technology solutions.

Chaired by CCC Chief Strategy Officer Miroslav Polzer, the panel was made up of expert representatives, including Denby McDonnell, Dr Accountability in Business Conduct.

Blockchain For Climate Foundation’s program director, Denby McDonnell, spoke during the panel about her organization’s efforts to put the Paris Climate Agreement on blockchain, specifically mentioning Article 6.2 and the discussion about the recent launch of a new cryptocurrency platform, BITMO.

“The BITMO platform enables the issuance and exchange of blockchain-supplied reduction results in the form of ERC-115 non-corrosive tokens [NFT’s] on the Ethereum blockchain. “

As technology companies increasingly accept carbon credits to verify and accurately report their carbon emissions data, thought leaders and experts in the field are calling for greater support for carbon negative rather than a “green wash” strategy.

McDonnell pointed out the potential impact of the BITMO platform on facilitating transparent and traceable reporting of CO2 data and explained:

“BITMO is a secure grant, transfer and retirement record for each country’s internationally transferred mitigation results that can be regulated with national carbon records and meet national carbon records. future requirements of the United Nations. “

The Climate Chain Alliance advocates the creation of a green economy at COP26 3
Panel representative of the Climate Chain Alliance at COP26

Dr. Tia Kansara, Executive Director of Replenish Earth and Special Adviser to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and a newly appointed member of the Alliance, eloquently explains the importance of adopting a number of technologies such as DLT. developed a purely positive economic model to be realized.

Our challenge for the future is twofold. The first is to cross the border. At some point we have to go beyond our selfish views, our nationalistic boundaries, to the means by which we can act for the common good.

Citing former US President John F. Kennedy’s vision of the 1962 moon landing mission and George Land’s famous 1968 study of child geniuses, it was found that “behavior is not bright”.

The second is a step in awareness. We cannot change our lives by thinking and expanding linear incremental models of the past, and we do this by looking at cutting edge technology.

Related: Crypto Sustainability and Green Solutions Highlighted at COP26

An independent advisory group, Germanwatch, was represented at the COP26 conference on Tuesday and published and presented its analytical results in the Climate Change Performance Index 2022.

The composite index examined the environmental performance of 60 countries around the world, combined the data into four parameters that were specifically geared towards the consensus goals of the Paris Agreement, and reported these results in a corresponding ranking list.

The group has determined that greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) should make up 40% of the rating system, while energy consumption, renewable energies and climate policy should make up an equal share of 20% of the total.

Measured against the growth of recent years and the clearly formulated goals of the governments, the index points to the USA, Canada, Russia, Algeria and Australia as just some of the most outstanding countries worthy of a red mark and the world’s largest coal supplier.

There was a remarkable level of acceptance in the “very high” rating category, which did not materialize, although Denmark, Sweden and Norway secured the first three places.

Among the major industrialized nations, China has risen to 37th place thanks to commendable advances in renewable energies, while the US continues to fall back to 55th place, ahead of the Russian Federation.

Index co-author Jan Burck shared his opinion on how the report’s readers and performers should rate the results:

“Like last year, we don’t see a country with a perfect track record. Even the countries ahead of us are not good enough to stay on course below 2 degrees. “

The climate chain alliance advocates the creation of a green economy at COP26

Climate Chain Alliance delegation representatives speak at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland, on Tuesday.

Climate Chain Coalition

The Climate Chain Alliance (CCC) is a global environmental initiative consisting of 250 member organizations and individuals who use blockchains, distributed ledgers or DLTs and technology solutions.

Chaired by CCC Chief Strategy Officer Miroslav Polzer, the panel was made up of expert representatives, including Denby McDonnell, Dr Accountability in Business Conduct.

Blockchain For Climate Foundation’s program director, Denby McDonnell, spoke during the panel about her organization’s efforts to put the Paris Climate Agreement on blockchain, specifically mentioning Article 6.2 and the discussion about the recent launch of a new cryptocurrency platform, BITMO.

“The BITMO platform enables the issuance and exchange of blockchain-supplied reduction results in the form of ERC-115 non-corrosive tokens [NFT’s] on the Ethereum blockchain. “

As technology companies increasingly accept carbon credits to verify and accurately report their carbon emissions data, thought leaders and experts in the field are calling for greater support for carbon negative rather than a “green wash” strategy.

McDonnell pointed out the potential impact of the BITMO platform on facilitating transparent and traceable reporting of CO2 data and explained:

“BITMO is a secure grant, transfer and retirement record for each country’s internationally transferred mitigation results that can be regulated with national carbon records and meet national carbon records. future requirements of the United Nations. “

The Climate Chain Alliance advocates the creation of a green economy at COP26 3
Panel representative of the Climate Chain Alliance at COP26

Dr. Tia Kansara, Executive Director of Replenish Earth and Special Adviser to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and a newly appointed member of the Alliance, eloquently explains the importance of adopting a number of technologies such as DLT. developed a purely positive economic model to be realized.

Our challenge for the future is twofold. The first is to cross the border. At some point we have to go beyond our selfish views, our nationalistic boundaries, to the means by which we can act for the common good.

Citing former US President John F. Kennedy’s vision of the 1962 moon landing mission and George Land’s famous 1968 study of child geniuses, it was found that “behavior is not bright”.

The second is a step in awareness. We cannot change our lives by thinking and expanding linear incremental models of the past, and we do this by looking at cutting edge technology.

Related: Crypto Sustainability and Green Solutions Highlighted at COP26

An independent advisory group, Germanwatch, was represented at the COP26 conference on Tuesday and published and presented its analytical results in the Climate Change Performance Index 2022.

The composite index examined the environmental performance of 60 countries around the world, combined the data into four parameters that were specifically geared towards the consensus goals of the Paris Agreement, and reported these results in a corresponding ranking list.

The group has determined that greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) should make up 40% of the rating system, while energy consumption, renewable energies and climate policy should make up an equal share of 20% of the total.

Measured against the growth of recent years and the clearly formulated goals of the governments, the index points to the USA, Canada, Russia, Algeria and Australia as just some of the most outstanding countries worthy of a red mark and the world’s largest coal supplier.

There was a remarkable level of acceptance in the “very high” rating category, which did not materialize, although Denmark, Sweden and Norway secured the first three places.

Among the major industrialized nations, China has risen to 37th place thanks to commendable advances in renewable energies, while the US continues to fall back to 55th place, ahead of the Russian Federation.

Index co-author Jan Burck shared his opinion on how the report’s readers and performers should rate the results:

“Like last year, we don’t see a country with a perfect track record. Even the countries ahead of us are not good enough to stay on course below 2 degrees. “

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