2022 will see an explosion of artificial intelligence and machine learning in media and entertainment

In their new whitepaper 70 Technology Trends That Will – and Won’t – Shape 2022, the analysts at ABI Research identify 35 trends that will shape the technology market and 35 more that, while attracting a lot of speculation and comment, are less likely change the needle in the next twelve months. “The consequences of COVID-19 prevention measures, the transition from a pandemic to an endemic disease and global political tensions are weighing on the fate of next year. This white paper is a tool for our readers to improve their understanding of the top key trends that will emerge in 2022 as the world begins to step out of the shadow of COVID-19. It also highlights much touted trends that are less likely to have a significant impact in 2022. ” Stuart Carlaw, Research Director of ABI Research.

2022 will see an explosion of artificial intelligence and machine learning  in media and entertainment - CoinCu News

What will happen in 2022:

A boom for AI and ML

The role of AI and ML in the media and entertainment industry will grow dramatically by 2022, beating sales projections $ 9.5 billion in 2022 when video ad technology is introduced. Due to the competitive pressure from direct-to-consumer services, incumbents (ie pay-TV operators, broadcasters) need to reduce costs, limit disruption and leverage as much value as possible from existing customers. The role of AI / ML will grow here in order to better address households with promotions, to automate more work processes and to better secure home content and services.

AI / ML will also play an increasing role in advertising technology to enhance personalization and contextual advertising and serve as a foundation for differentiation. This is especially important following changes to third-party tracking devices (i.e., Advertiser Identifiers (IDFAs) and third-party cookies) and an increasing focus on privacy. The consequence of these trends is that the changing privacy landscape will not affect the ad market as much as some have feared.

What will happen in 2022:

Metaverse is not completely formed

Despite all the headlines and investments, Metaverse is not coming in 2022 or within the typical 5-year forecast period. Metaverse remains more of a buzzword and vision than a full-fledged final destination with a defined arrival date. What we have today is a number of tech companies building their own version of the “metaverse,” but this multiverse is not fully interconnected, does not yet use open standards widely, and is not reliable (XR) – all principles of super- Reverse vision (some will also list the crypto economy, which is also not true).

However, this does not mean that all that is said about the Metaverse is premature; rather, the technology industry will continue to lay the foundations and build on that Metaverse future. It may take more than a decade for the “full” form of the metaverse to take shape, but there will be many opportunities before then. When the metaverse shows up, it will really change the way we live, creating tremendous opportunities for a wide variety of technologies including 5G / 6G, edge and cloud computing, XR and AI / ML.

For more trends that will – and won’t – happen in 2022, download the white paper 70 Technology Trends That Will – and Will’t – Shape 2022.


u0110iu1ec1u gu00ec su1ebd xu1ea3y ra vu00e0o nu0103m 2022:


Mu1ed9t su1ef1 bu00f9ng nu1ed5 cho AI vu00e0 ML


Vai tru00f2 cu1ee7a AI vu00e0 ML trong ngu00e0nh cu00f4ng nghiu1ec7p truyu1ec1n thu00f4ng & giu1ea3i tru00ed su1ebd tu0103ng lu00ean u0111u00e1ng ku1ec3 vu00e0o nu0103m 2022, vu1edbi doanh thu u0111u01b0u1ee3c du1ef1 bu00e1o su1ebd vu01b0u1ee3t qua 9,5 tu1ef7 u0111u00f4 la Mu1ef9 vu00e0o nu0103m 2022 khi cu00f4ng nghu1ec7 quu1ea3ng cu00e1o video u0111u01b0u1ee3c u0111u01b0a vu00e0o. Do u00e1p lu1ef1c cu1ea1nh tranh tu1eeb cu00e1c du1ecbch vu1ee5 tru1ef1c tiu1ebfp u0111u1ebfn ngu01b0u1eddi tiu00eau du00f9ng, cu00e1c cu00f4ng ty u0111u01b0u01a1ng nhiu1ec7m (tu1ee9c lu00e0 cu00e1c nhu00e0 khai thu00e1c truyu1ec1n hu00ecnh tru1ea3 tiu1ec1n, u0111u00e0i truyu1ec1n hu00ecnh) phu1ea3i giu1ea3m chi phu00ed, hu1ea1n chu1ebf tu00ecnh tru1ea1ng giu00e1n u0111ou1ea1n vu00e0 tu1eadn du1ee5ng cu00e0ng nhiu1ec1u giu00e1 tru1ecb tu1eeb khu00e1ch hu00e0ng hiu1ec7n tu1ea1i. Vai tru00f2 cu1ee7a AI / ML u1edf u0111u00e2y su1ebd tu0103ng lu00ean u0111u1ec3 nhu1eafm mu1ee5c tiu00eau tu1ed1t hu01a1n u0111u1ebfn cu00e1c hu1ed9 gia u0111u00ecnh vu1edbi cu00e1c chu01b0u01a1ng tru00ecnh khuyu1ebfn mu00e3i, tu1ef1 u0111u1ed9ng hu00f3a nhiu1ec1u quy tru00ecnh cu00f4ng viu1ec7c hu01a1n vu00e0 bu1ea3o mu1eadt tu1ed1t hu01a1n nu1ed9i dung vu00e0 du1ecbch vu1ee5 cu1ee7a nhu00e0 u0111iu1ec1u hu00e0nh.


AI / ML cu0169ng su1ebd u0111u00f3ng mu1ed9t vai tru00f2 ngu00e0y cu00e0ng tu0103ng trong khu00f4ng gian cu00f4ng nghu1ec7 quu1ea3ng cu00e1o u0111u1ec3 cu1ea3i thiu1ec7n khu1ea3 nu0103ng cu00e1 nhu00e2n hu00f3a vu00e0 quu1ea3ng cu00e1o nhu1eadn thu1ee9c theo ngu1eef cu1ea3nh vu00e0 u0111u00f3ng vai tru00f2 lu00e0 cu01a1 su1edf cho su1ef1 khu00e1c biu1ec7t. u0110iu1ec1u nu00e0y u0111u1eb7c biu1ec7t quan tru1ecdng sau nhu1eefng thay u0111u1ed5i u0111u1ed1i vu1edbi thiu1ebft bu1ecb theo du00f5i cu1ee7a bu00ean thu1ee9 ba (tu1ee9c lu00e0 Mu00e3 nhu1eadn du1ea1ng du00e0nh cho nhu00e0 quu1ea3ng cu00e1o (IDFA) vu00e0 cookie cu1ee7a bu00ean thu1ee9 ba) vu00e0 ngu00e0y cu00e0ng tu1eadp trung vu00e0o quyu1ec1n riu00eang tu01b0. Hu1ec7 quu1ea3 cu1ee7a nhu1eefng xu hu01b0u1edbng nu00e0y lu00e0 thu1ecb tru01b0u1eddng quu1ea3ng cu00e1o su1ebd khu00f4ng bu1ecb u1ea3nh hu01b0u1edfng nghiu00eam tru1ecdng nhu01b0 mu1ed9t su1ed1 ngu01b0u1eddi u0111u00e3 lo ngu1ea1i do bu1ed1i cu1ea3nh quyu1ec1n riu00eang tu01b0 u0111ang thay u0111u1ed5i.


u0110iu1ec1u gu00ec su1ebd xu1ea3y ra vu00e0o nu0103m 2022:


Metaverse su1ebd khu00f4ng u0111u01b0u1ee3c hu00ecnh thu00e0nh u0111u1ea7y u0111u1ee7


Metaverse, bu1ea5t chu1ea5p tu1ea5t cu1ea3 cu00e1c tiu00eau u0111u1ec1 vu00e0 u0111u1ea7u tu01b0, su1ebd khu00f4ng u0111u1ebfn vu00e0o nu0103m 2022 hou1eb7c, u0111u1ed1i vu1edbi vu1ea5n u0111u1ec1 u0111u00f3, trong khou1ea3ng thu1eddi gian du1ef1 bu00e1o 5 nu0103m u0111iu1ec3n hu00ecnh. Metaverse vu1eabn lu00e0 mu1ed9t tu1eeb thu00f4ng du1ee5ng vu00e0 tu1ea7m nhu00ecn hu01a1n lu00e0 mu1ed9t mu1ee5c tiu00eau cuu1ed1i cu00f9ng chu00ednh thu1ee9c u0111u1ea7y u0111u1ee7 vu1edbi mu1ed9t ngu00e0y u0111u1ebfn u0111u01b0u1ee3c xu00e1c u0111u1ecbnh. Nhu1eefng gu00ec chu00fang ta cu00f3 ngu00e0y nay lu00e0 mu1ed9t su1ed1 cu00f4ng ty cu00f4ng nghu1ec7 u0111ang xu00e2y du1ef1ng phiu00ean bu1ea3n u201cmetaverseu201d cu1ee7a hu1ecd, nhu01b0ng u0111a vu0169 tru1ee5 nu00e0y khu00f4ng u0111u01b0u1ee3c ku1ebft nu1ed1i hou00e0n tou00e0n vu1edbi nhau, chu01b0a su1eed du1ee5ng ru1ed9ng ru00e3i cu00e1c tiu00eau chuu1ea9n mu1edf vu00e0 chu1eafc chu1eafn lu00e0 chu01b0a hou00e0n tou00e0n chu1ea5p nhu1eadn Thu1ef1c tu1ebf mu1edf ru1ed9ng (XR) u2014tu1ea5t cu1ea3 cu00e1c nguyu00ean lu00fd cu1ee7a tu1ea7m nhu00ecn siu00eau ngu01b0u1ee3c (mu1ed9t su1ed1 cu0169ng su1ebd thu00eam nu1ec1n kinh tu1ebf tiu1ec1n u0111iu1ec7n tu1eed vu00e0o danh su00e1ch, u0111iu1ec1u nu00e0y cu0169ng khu00f4ng u0111u00fang).


Tuy nhiu00ean, u0111iu1ec1u nu00e0y khu00f4ng cu00f3 nghu0129a lu00e0 tu1ea5t cu1ea3 nhu1eefng gu00ec nu00f3i vu1ec1 metaverse lu00e0 quu00e1 su1edbm, thay vu00e0o u0111u00f3, ngu00e0nh cu00f4ng nghu1ec7 su1ebd tiu1ebfp tu1ee5c u0111u1eb7t nu1ec1n mu00f3ng vu00e0 xu00e2y du1ef1ng hu01b0u1edbng tu1edbi tu01b0u01a1ng lai metaverse nu00e0y. Cu00f3 thu1ec3 mu1ea5t khou1ea3ng thu1eddi gian tu1ed1t hu01a1n cu1ee7a mu1ed9t thu1eadp ku1ef7 tru01b0u1edbc khi hu00ecnh thu1ee9c u201chou00e0n chu1ec9nhu201d cu1ee7a metaverse bu1eaft u0111u1ea7u hu00ecnh thu00e0nh, nhu01b0ng su1ebd cu00f3 ru1ea5t nhiu1ec1u cu01a1 hu1ed9i tu1eeb bu00e2y giu1edd u0111u1ebfn lu00fac u0111u00f3. Khi metaverse xuu1ea5t...

2022 will see an explosion of artificial intelligence and machine learning in media and entertainment

In their new whitepaper 70 Technology Trends That Will – and Won’t – Shape 2022, the analysts at ABI Research identify 35 trends that will shape the technology market and 35 more that, while attracting a lot of speculation and comment, are less likely change the needle in the next twelve months. “The consequences of COVID-19 prevention measures, the transition from a pandemic to an endemic disease and global political tensions are weighing on the fate of next year. This white paper is a tool for our readers to improve their understanding of the top key trends that will emerge in 2022 as the world begins to step out of the shadow of COVID-19. It also highlights much touted trends that are less likely to have a significant impact in 2022. ” Stuart Carlaw, Research Director of ABI Research.

2022 will see an explosion of artificial intelligence and machine learning  in media and entertainment - CoinCu News

What will happen in 2022:

A boom for AI and ML

The role of AI and ML in the media and entertainment industry will grow dramatically by 2022, beating sales projections $ 9.5 billion in 2022 when video ad technology is introduced. Due to the competitive pressure from direct-to-consumer services, incumbents (ie pay-TV operators, broadcasters) need to reduce costs, limit disruption and leverage as much value as possible from existing customers. The role of AI / ML will grow here in order to better address households with promotions, to automate more work processes and to better secure home content and services.

AI / ML will also play an increasing role in advertising technology to enhance personalization and contextual advertising and serve as a foundation for differentiation. This is especially important following changes to third-party tracking devices (i.e., Advertiser Identifiers (IDFAs) and third-party cookies) and an increasing focus on privacy. The consequence of these trends is that the changing privacy landscape will not affect the ad market as much as some have feared.

What will happen in 2022:

Metaverse is not completely formed

Despite all the headlines and investments, Metaverse is not coming in 2022 or within the typical 5-year forecast period. Metaverse remains more of a buzzword and vision than a full-fledged final destination with a defined arrival date. What we have today is a number of tech companies building their own version of the “metaverse,” but this multiverse is not fully interconnected, does not yet use open standards widely, and is not reliable (XR) – all principles of super- Reverse vision (some will also list the crypto economy, which is also not true).

However, this does not mean that all that is said about the Metaverse is premature; rather, the technology industry will continue to lay the foundations and build on that Metaverse future. It may take more than a decade for the “full” form of the metaverse to take shape, but there will be many opportunities before then. When the metaverse shows up, it will really change the way we live, creating tremendous opportunities for a wide variety of technologies including 5G / 6G, edge and cloud computing, XR and AI / ML.

For more trends that will – and won’t – happen in 2022, download the white paper 70 Technology Trends That Will – and Will’t – Shape 2022.


u0110iu1ec1u gu00ec su1ebd xu1ea3y ra vu00e0o nu0103m 2022:


Mu1ed9t su1ef1 bu00f9ng nu1ed5 cho AI vu00e0 ML


Vai tru00f2 cu1ee7a AI vu00e0 ML trong ngu00e0nh cu00f4ng nghiu1ec7p truyu1ec1n thu00f4ng & giu1ea3i tru00ed su1ebd tu0103ng lu00ean u0111u00e1ng ku1ec3 vu00e0o nu0103m 2022, vu1edbi doanh thu u0111u01b0u1ee3c du1ef1 bu00e1o su1ebd vu01b0u1ee3t qua 9,5 tu1ef7 u0111u00f4 la Mu1ef9 vu00e0o nu0103m 2022 khi cu00f4ng nghu1ec7 quu1ea3ng cu00e1o video u0111u01b0u1ee3c u0111u01b0a vu00e0o. Do u00e1p lu1ef1c cu1ea1nh tranh tu1eeb cu00e1c du1ecbch vu1ee5 tru1ef1c tiu1ebfp u0111u1ebfn ngu01b0u1eddi tiu00eau du00f9ng, cu00e1c cu00f4ng ty u0111u01b0u01a1ng nhiu1ec7m (tu1ee9c lu00e0 cu00e1c nhu00e0 khai thu00e1c truyu1ec1n hu00ecnh tru1ea3 tiu1ec1n, u0111u00e0i truyu1ec1n hu00ecnh) phu1ea3i giu1ea3m chi phu00ed, hu1ea1n chu1ebf tu00ecnh tru1ea1ng giu00e1n u0111ou1ea1n vu00e0 tu1eadn du1ee5ng cu00e0ng nhiu1ec1u giu00e1 tru1ecb tu1eeb khu00e1ch hu00e0ng hiu1ec7n tu1ea1i. Vai tru00f2 cu1ee7a AI / ML u1edf u0111u00e2y su1ebd tu0103ng lu00ean u0111u1ec3 nhu1eafm mu1ee5c tiu00eau tu1ed1t hu01a1n u0111u1ebfn cu00e1c hu1ed9 gia u0111u00ecnh vu1edbi cu00e1c chu01b0u01a1ng tru00ecnh khuyu1ebfn mu00e3i, tu1ef1 u0111u1ed9ng hu00f3a nhiu1ec1u quy tru00ecnh cu00f4ng viu1ec7c hu01a1n vu00e0 bu1ea3o mu1eadt tu1ed1t hu01a1n nu1ed9i dung vu00e0 du1ecbch vu1ee5 cu1ee7a nhu00e0 u0111iu1ec1u hu00e0nh.


AI / ML cu0169ng su1ebd u0111u00f3ng mu1ed9t vai tru00f2 ngu00e0y cu00e0ng tu0103ng trong khu00f4ng gian cu00f4ng nghu1ec7 quu1ea3ng cu00e1o u0111u1ec3 cu1ea3i thiu1ec7n khu1ea3 nu0103ng cu00e1 nhu00e2n hu00f3a vu00e0 quu1ea3ng cu00e1o nhu1eadn thu1ee9c theo ngu1eef cu1ea3nh vu00e0 u0111u00f3ng vai tru00f2 lu00e0 cu01a1 su1edf cho su1ef1 khu00e1c biu1ec7t. u0110iu1ec1u nu00e0y u0111u1eb7c biu1ec7t quan tru1ecdng sau nhu1eefng thay u0111u1ed5i u0111u1ed1i vu1edbi thiu1ebft bu1ecb theo du00f5i cu1ee7a bu00ean thu1ee9 ba (tu1ee9c lu00e0 Mu00e3 nhu1eadn du1ea1ng du00e0nh cho nhu00e0 quu1ea3ng cu00e1o (IDFA) vu00e0 cookie cu1ee7a bu00ean thu1ee9 ba) vu00e0 ngu00e0y cu00e0ng tu1eadp trung vu00e0o quyu1ec1n riu00eang tu01b0. Hu1ec7 quu1ea3 cu1ee7a nhu1eefng xu hu01b0u1edbng nu00e0y lu00e0 thu1ecb tru01b0u1eddng quu1ea3ng cu00e1o su1ebd khu00f4ng bu1ecb u1ea3nh hu01b0u1edfng nghiu00eam tru1ecdng nhu01b0 mu1ed9t su1ed1 ngu01b0u1eddi u0111u00e3 lo ngu1ea1i do bu1ed1i cu1ea3nh quyu1ec1n riu00eang tu01b0 u0111ang thay u0111u1ed5i.


u0110iu1ec1u gu00ec su1ebd xu1ea3y ra vu00e0o nu0103m 2022:


Metaverse su1ebd khu00f4ng u0111u01b0u1ee3c hu00ecnh thu00e0nh u0111u1ea7y u0111u1ee7


Metaverse, bu1ea5t chu1ea5p tu1ea5t cu1ea3 cu00e1c tiu00eau u0111u1ec1 vu00e0 u0111u1ea7u tu01b0, su1ebd khu00f4ng u0111u1ebfn vu00e0o nu0103m 2022 hou1eb7c, u0111u1ed1i vu1edbi vu1ea5n u0111u1ec1 u0111u00f3, trong khou1ea3ng thu1eddi gian du1ef1 bu00e1o 5 nu0103m u0111iu1ec3n hu00ecnh. Metaverse vu1eabn lu00e0 mu1ed9t tu1eeb thu00f4ng du1ee5ng vu00e0 tu1ea7m nhu00ecn hu01a1n lu00e0 mu1ed9t mu1ee5c tiu00eau cuu1ed1i cu00f9ng chu00ednh thu1ee9c u0111u1ea7y u0111u1ee7 vu1edbi mu1ed9t ngu00e0y u0111u1ebfn u0111u01b0u1ee3c xu00e1c u0111u1ecbnh. Nhu1eefng gu00ec chu00fang ta cu00f3 ngu00e0y nay lu00e0 mu1ed9t su1ed1 cu00f4ng ty cu00f4ng nghu1ec7 u0111ang xu00e2y du1ef1ng phiu00ean bu1ea3n u201cmetaverseu201d cu1ee7a hu1ecd, nhu01b0ng u0111a vu0169 tru1ee5 nu00e0y khu00f4ng u0111u01b0u1ee3c ku1ebft nu1ed1i hou00e0n tou00e0n vu1edbi nhau, chu01b0a su1eed du1ee5ng ru1ed9ng ru00e3i cu00e1c tiu00eau chuu1ea9n mu1edf vu00e0 chu1eafc chu1eafn lu00e0 chu01b0a hou00e0n tou00e0n chu1ea5p nhu1eadn Thu1ef1c tu1ebf mu1edf ru1ed9ng (XR) u2014tu1ea5t cu1ea3 cu00e1c nguyu00ean lu00fd cu1ee7a tu1ea7m nhu00ecn siu00eau ngu01b0u1ee3c (mu1ed9t su1ed1 cu0169ng su1ebd thu00eam nu1ec1n kinh tu1ebf tiu1ec1n u0111iu1ec7n tu1eed vu00e0o danh su00e1ch, u0111iu1ec1u nu00e0y cu0169ng khu00f4ng u0111u00fang).


Tuy nhiu00ean, u0111iu1ec1u nu00e0y khu00f4ng cu00f3 nghu0129a lu00e0 tu1ea5t cu1ea3 nhu1eefng gu00ec nu00f3i vu1ec1 metaverse lu00e0 quu00e1 su1edbm, thay vu00e0o u0111u00f3, ngu00e0nh cu00f4ng nghu1ec7 su1ebd tiu1ebfp tu1ee5c u0111u1eb7t nu1ec1n mu00f3ng vu00e0 xu00e2y du1ef1ng hu01b0u1edbng tu1edbi tu01b0u01a1ng lai metaverse nu00e0y. Cu00f3 thu1ec3 mu1ea5t khou1ea3ng thu1eddi gian tu1ed1t hu01a1n cu1ee7a mu1ed9t thu1eadp ku1ef7 tru01b0u1edbc khi hu00ecnh thu1ee9c u201chou00e0n chu1ec9nhu201d cu1ee7a metaverse bu1eaft u0111u1ea7u hu00ecnh thu00e0nh, nhu01b0ng su1ebd cu00f3 ru1ea5t nhiu1ec1u cu01a1 hu1ed9i tu1eeb bu00e2y giu1edd u0111u1ebfn lu00fac u0111u00f3. Khi metaverse xuu1ea5t...

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