Crypto Whale Cobie Donates A YouTuber Being Sued By BitBoy $100,000

A well-known cryptocurrency trader by the name of Cobie has given $100,000 to YouTuber Erling Mengshoel (also known as Atozy) to support his legal defense against a claim made by another YouTuber by the name of Ben Armstrong (known as BitBoy Crypto).

Mengshoel stated on Twitter today that Armstrong is suing him because of a video Mengshoel recorded in November 2021 in which he claimed BitBoy had defrauded his audience. Armstrong contends in the lawsuit that the video hurt his reputation and caused him emotional harm.

Mengshoel requested that his Twitter followers give directly in cryptocurrency or to a fundraising drive.

Cobie initially responded by saying he would send about $100,000

A donation of 100,000 USDC from the cryptocurrency exchange FTX arrived a few hours later, and he confirmed that the transaction had been sent.

Mengshoel mentioned accusations that Armstrong conducts paid promotions for cryptocurrency projects in his Twitter thread, and he expressed regret for listeners who experienced financial loss as a result of his calls.

Shortly after Mengshoel’s tweets came out about the lawsuit, Armstrong tweeted:

“You can’t literally make up lies and accusations about people. There are consequences for this, Because you tell two truths and one lie, that doesn’t excuse the lie.”

In later comments he refused to go into further details on the advice of his lawyers.

Previously, Cobie oversaw a fundraising effort for a young person with leukemia named J.O. This effort succeeded in raising $800,000 from a number of prominent crypto figures.

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